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Information Experience Design (MA)

Mengyun Xie

Mengyun Xie, b.1998, China

Mengyun Xie is a cross-media artist, experimental experience designer and product designer.

Passionate about exploring the subtle bonds between human, objects and surrounding environment, Mengyun focuses on exploring the overlapping narratives of materiality, temporality and humanity through interactive experiences. She believes that our senses are an important connection to the world and that multi-sensory experience design is a key direction of her practice.


Just as the gears within a precision clock need to set the right parameters of bite between them in order to make the system work ...

My industrial design background has developed my logical thinking and my ability to reconcile the whole with the local. Studying at the RCA reset my initial questions about the sameness of the nature of different things. I try to break through the boundaries between the internal structures of things and look for subtle and imperceptible entry points in life.

Aphasia aims to re-observe and re-think plants as living beings rather than as static objects. Amplify their inner movements, emotions and feelings and present them in visual and acoustic form. Explore "empathy" by uncovering the connection between plants and humans. Explore the possibilities of the future of biological equality.

picture 1
picture 2

Can plants feel joy or pain?

Do plants express emotions?

Do they want to actively communicate with humans? 

What if plants could speak?

Too often, as humans, we see plants as static objects rather than as living beings. They do not speak. They can’t run away or hide. But there is much more to this world of consciousness and feeling than just humans…

picture 3
Left side view - Human perspective
picture 4
Right side view - Plant perspective
picture 5
The photographs are stitched onto the fabric using different techniques and different shades of red and green threads. Green light is detrimental to plant growth and a negative human aura appears green. Red light promotes plant growth and the positive human aura appears red. The different shades of green and red threads represent different levels of negative and positive emotions.
picture 6
From left to right, the pattern visually becomes simpler and simpler, moving from surface to line to point. And the connecting threads gradually become more and more complex, moving from regular to chaotic.
mask 1
The shape of the mask is inspired by the Green Man, which is primarily interpreted as a symbol of rebirth, representing the cycle of new growth that occurs each spring.
mask 2


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