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Recent work in my research explores the connection between humans and food through technology, simplifying food and creating fun and easy preparation processes. Enriching eating utensils to bring back the original desire to eat and to have a healthy and fun eating experience.

I am always interested in exploring plants, food, human behavior, technology, Chinese culture, the future, and emotions. I am exploring these themes through furniture, tableware, wearables, interactive systems, and the concept of sustainability and human-centredness throughout the design process.

: )

Jiayi Wang

From Wuhan, China

I am a product designer who focuses on the relationship between food, health, and human. My past work includes interaction design for interactive systems, design for manufacturing, and human-centered design. My past projects have included exploring the reuse and future possibilities of hair materials and developing research into the potential of plant roots.

I have a passion for photography, music, tennis, and fine art, and hope to combine these hobbies with my design thinking to create more possibilities in the future.


Today's fresh graduates are too busy balancing work and life to spend much time and energy on the tedious, uninteresting act of eating, often opting for unhealthy takeaways or fast food restaurants. They want to eat to be a healthy, fun, and convenient thing to do quickly.

I started reading and researching the development of human food types, tableware, and cooking methods. In my research, I found that people's desire for food is increasingly moving towards simplicity, speed, convenience, technology, fun, and independence, and I decided to explore new possibilities in the relationship between people and food.



Journal - "People only eat one type of food a day"

Nutritionist Jenny Jackson conducted an experiment in which Andrew Taylor, an Australian, insisted on eating only potatoes every day for a year. He appeared to be unscathed for a year and in fact, he lost some weight.

What makes potatoes seem special, says Jackson, is that for a portion of food rich in starch, they contain unusual amounts of protein, as well as including a wide range of amino acids. It is said that before the Irish potato famine, people there lived almost exclusively on potatoes.

Experience1- increase resistant starch

Potatoes have every nutrient that the human body needs on a daily basis. Eating 6.5 medium-sized potatoes (200g) will satisfy all of a person's carbohydrate requirements for the day.

When the potatoes are heated and then immediately cooled, the carbohydrate content is the same as usual, but with a large increase in resistant starch, which feeds friendly bacteria, improves digestive health, and makes it less likely to put on weight.

When the potatoes are mashed, the contact area is increased and the depth of the eating vessel is shallow, the potatoes can be cooled more quickly.

The vessels have a rapid heating and vacuum cooling function, the base can be heated up quickly and after heating the extraction pump removes the air from the vessel, the air pressure is increased and the water vapor is collected in the test tube. After waiting for 2 min, the mashed potatoes are cooled quickly, producing a large amount of resistant starch.