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Painting (MA)

Hesi Glowacki

Hesi Glowacki creates compositions that imbue reality with elements of fantasy to indicate emotions and spirituality that underlie physical aesthetics. Glowacki's work focuses on themes encompassing memory, otherness, and trauma, spanning influences from personal experience, religion, popular culture and fashion.

Hesi Glowacki asks questions about the role ritual plays in today's experience and the nature of things and their transformation, through the unique use of language, materials, and techniques. Glowacki juxtaposes the primitive with the contemporary and sets the cycles of deconstruction and repair placed on the borderline of fine art and artefact. 

Hesi Glowacki completed his undergraduate studies in Fine Art at Central Saint Martins (UAL, 2020).

Hesi Glowacki has been awarded the Chelsea Arts Club Trust / Zsuzsi Roboz Scholarship (2022).

Hesi Glowacki, studio, 2022

'“Things have a life of their own," the gypsy proclaimed with a harsh accent. "It's simply a matter of waking up their souls.”' ― Gabriel García Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude

My work pivots around memory, trauma, personal histories, and the effect on the body.

I am often inspired by the stories that I have heard, personal experience, fashion photography from the '90, literature and magic realism. I paint an imaginary world that doesn't exist, and also documenting a world I place myself in. Realistic and dreamlike, both figurative and abstract, an experiment in visualising and giving form to memory, trauma, and otherness, full of potential for transfiguration, resurrection, and rebirth. 

Drawing from the concept of ritual and ceremony and the notion of renewal and transformation, I want to alter the idea of the body as a victim of trauma and frame it instead as a site of power and beauty, primarily through body alteration, clothing, and decoration.

I am interested in the performative quality of materials and how, once used, transform narration and acquire new meanings, rising almost to the status of spiritual abstraction.

Through experimentation with materials, I refer to the alchemical transformation of base metal into gold and metaphorically manifest the internal process whose real goal is self-transformation. Change and renewal have an ambiguous and surviving purpose, which helps with identity-formation, world-making and recreation.

The elements of installation, artificial flowers, objects, and writing play a role in the enriching reflection on transmutation, concealment and disclosure, memorial, and celebration.

Altar Ritualis (Hunters, Przebierańcy, and Nocturn Ritualis), Hesi Glowacki, installation view, RCA, 2023

Cruising Utopia: The Then and There of Queer Futurity ― José Esteban Muñoz

'The here and now is a prison house. We must strive, in the face of the here and now’s totalising rendering of reality, to think and feel a then and there. Some will say that all we have are the pleasures of this moment, but we must never settle for that minimal transport; we must dream and enact new and better pleasures, other ways of being in the world, and ultimately new worlds.


pure pigments and lapis lazuli, oil paint, oil pastels, embroidery, glitter, lino print, yarn and mixed media on canvas, 2023


Overall display dimensions variable
Tapestry painting with three standing male figures
Installation on the wall, with heavy fabrics and a painting tapestry with three male figures
HuntersInstallation View
close up of the painting hunters, side taken picture shows three male figures standing on a lush background
close up of the painting hunters, side taken picture shows three male figures standing on a lush background
close up of the painting hunters, side taken picture shows three male figures standing on a lush background
close up of the painting hunters, side taken picture shows three male figures standing on a lush background


pure pigments, oil paint, oil pastels, embroidery, lino print, glitter, yarn, and mixed media on canvas on wooden pole, 2023


180 x 120 cm (without tassels)
Two standing figures, one with mask of ram on his head, the other with colourful hat
Two standing figures, one with mask of ram on his head, the other with colourful hat
PrzebierańcyInstallation View
close up Two standing figures, one with mask of ram on his head, the other with colourful hat
close up Two standing figures, one with mask of ram on his head, the other with colourful hat


pure pigments and lapis lazuli, oil paint, oil pastels, embroidery, glitter, tassel and mixed media on canvas, 2023


89 x 143 cm
Two overdressed male figures on the blue black background with stars, with turquoise tassels
Two overdressed male figures on the blue black background with stars, with turquoise tassels and heavy dyed fabrics behind
Nocturn RitualisInstallation View
Two overdressed male figures on the blue black background with stars, with turquoise tassels
close up Two overdressed male figures on the blue black background with stars, with turquoise tassels
close up Two overdressed male figures on the blue black background with stars, with turquoise tassels
close up Two overdressed male figures on the blue black background with stars, with turquoise tassels


pure pigments and lapis lazuli, oil paint, oil pastels, embroidery, glitter, yarn and mixed media on canvas, 2023


89 x 143 cm
Ablution painting, male figure with glass tears
Memorial installation. Nude male figure covered with transparent veil
Nude male with glass tears details
Nude male with glass tears details


You were darkness 

And the body of darkness 

And light 

And the body of light 

Mere Soul 


Existencja (excerpt), Hesi Glowacki


pure pigments and lapis lazuli, glass tears, oil paint, rubber, embroidery, glitter, yarn and mixed media on canvas, 2023


89 x 146 cm
Masked figure with a cigarette in mouth on a vibrant lush background
ŚWIETLIKI(The Fireflies)pure pigments, oil paint and oil stick on polyester, 50 x 60 cm, 2023
figure with covered face with a patterned mask
SKAMIELINA (Fossil)pure pigments and oil paint on burlap 50 x 60 cm, 2023
male figure with blue painted face and red necklace with flowers attached onto the frame
JARZĘBINAlapis lazuli, pure pigments, oil paint, oil stick, painted artificial flowers and mixed media on canvas mounted on burlap, 50 x 60 cm, 2023
Figure with covered face and headdress of flowers
TRANSFORMAmagnetite, pure pigments, oil paint, embroideries, and mixed media on burlap, 50 x 60 cm, 2022
male figure wearing mask with gold teeth with flowers, maybe lilies on the side
MASK STUDYoil paint, 24K gold leaf, charcoal, embroidery, and mixed media on canvas, 50 x 55 cm, 2023
male figure in a fancy hat with fazes of the moon over his head
SPLIN ZIMOWY (Winter Sorrow)pure pigments, oil paint, glitter and mixed media on a found wood board in handmade frame, 38 x 51 cm, 2023


pure pigments, magnetite, oil paint, oil stick, diamond dust, glitter, make-up, and mixed media


Overall display dimensions variable

“No longer perceived across a distance, the world dissolves into my own blood, sustaining me from within via its nutritive powers. I am not just a gazing upon the world but one who feeds on it, drinks of it, breathes it in.”  The Absent Body ― Drew Leder

body fragments with artificial flowers placed on colourful hand dyed fabrics
body fragments with artificial flowers placed on colourful hand dyed fabrics
HURT NOT BROKENInstallation view
Clay lips cast on a wooden base, with clay broken slabs with painted artificial flowers
TAJEMNICApure pigments, clay, diamond dust, glitter, make-up, wood, resin and mixed media, 16 x 19 cm, 2023 (Installation View)
Foot cast in crystals and blue pigments and patina on a wooden base
ŚLADpure pigments, plaster, diamond dust, patina, sulphate copper, wood, resin and mixed media, 15 x 28 cm, 2023 (Installation View)
cast of a hand with two broken fingers with artificial flowers around
OFIARApure pigments, lapis lazuli, sulphate copper, patina, plaster, wood, resin and mixed media, 14 x 18 cm, 2023 (Installation View)
Small penis cast in clay placed in a flower blossom
ROZKWITpure pigments, clay, oil paint, and resin, 7 cm, 2023 (Installation View)
cast of a hand on a blue wooden base with artificial flowers around and clay pieces placed in front
DARpure pigments, lapis lazuli, sulphate copper, patina, plaster, wood, resin and mixed media, 13 x 18 cm, 2023 (Installation View)
Small penis cast in clay placed in a flower blossom
PRZEKWITpure pigments, plaster, sulphate copper, patina and resin, 9 cm, 2023 (Installation View)


volcanic clay, plaster, lapis lazuli, sulphate, patina, oil paint, cotton fibre, diamond dust, resin and mixed media, 2023


Overall display dimensions variable

Chelsea Arts Club Trust / Zsuzsi Roboz Scholarship