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Animation (MA)

Harrison Joyce-Carr

Harrison Joyce-Carr (England, 2000) was born in the exotic sandy shores of New Brighton, a town in The Wirral, which is part of Merseyside, which also contains Liverpool, which is in the North of England, and also borders Wales.

He is an animator who creates films in the style of a seaside town fairground; a mix of comedy and tragedy neatly packed together for others amusement. He uses animation as a fun house mirror reflection of his own reality taking his audience down a helter skelter of character drama. With lines as thick as lead pipes that lovingly embrace the digital fuzz, his style is firmly clawed in to the modern era, bringing a solar flare of energy to the most mundane of subject matters.

His current film 'Cut Too Short' revolves around the thrilling venture of shoving manure and wool on a cow in order to give it the appearance of a sheep. Or perhaps it's more of a nuanced study of sibling codependency and the mourning arrogance of nostalgia? It captures the awkwardness and self humiliation of interacting with unresponsive children in a grueling 2D four minute short.


I am an animator, and I love Humanity.

character turn around Blue
Character Turn around Sonny
Character Turn around Sonny Older
Character sketches