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Service Design (MA)

Fiona Wayne Ting Tai

Degree Details

School of DesignService Design (MA)RCA2023 at Truman Brewery

Truman Brewery, F Block, First floor


Taiwan has a pet population of 730,000 and a large pet food market of  £5.3billions. But we found that the Pet Healthcare food market only accounts for 8.3% of the pet food market, which is below the global level. 

Pet owners in Taiwan have high prevention awareness, and a lot of owners who visit vets would buy supplements.  Therefore, they believe that the low average is because of the industry and purchasing channels.

It is difficult and complicated for pet owners in Taiwan to purchase pet supplements. We discovered two main painpoints: pet owners in Taiwan don’t buy supplements because: 1.they are hard/inaccessible to buy 2.have little choice
Purchase Flow
The process of purchasing pet healthcare food is more complicated in Taiwan, while other Asian regions or countries only need three steps: "browsing online - ordering online- receiving deliveries".

Unique insight

A unique insight into the Taiwan market:

Vets are dominating the pet healthcare food market.

The reason for this can be explained by the relationship between pet owners and vets. Vets in Taiwan have established a high reputation for leading to owners’ high trust. And owners are only willing to buy products recommended by vets. Because of this relationship vets become dominating and therefore if the product is sold on the mass market then they won’t sell it.

A Taiwan pet healthcare food company told us that in order to sell a product in Taiwan,  they have to connect with vets and sell products through vets. This made it very hard for them when first entering the market.

Problem statement:

Pet health food companies find it hard to engage or expand in the market because vets are dominating which controls the channel or the way of selling it. Therefore, people find it hard to purchase pet healthcare food and have limited choices.

What can we d

what can we do?

We can’t change the dominating vets as this is an established social construct in Taiwan. However, we can help pet health food companies to enter, engage and expand in the market, in order to regulate the market and make pet healthcare food more accessible.

how might we?

So we start thinking about how we might help Taiwan’s pet supplement market by making pet supplements more accessible, in order to ensure the long-term health of pets.

who is it for?

In order to build this strategy model, we partnered with Coredump which is a start-up pet supplement and medication company in Taiwan. We worked as design consultants there to provide them the guidance they needed through our model. 

This is Taiwan’s current service overview. Just from looking at it, we can understand that the current service is very complicated for company vets and owners. Companies have to go through many steps in contacting vets to sell their products. They currently rely on face to face or phone calls which are low in efficiency. 

We found that there are three opportunity points in this current service. The first part is how the businesses can start to deliver and build contact with vets. The second is the purchasing phase of vets, where vets purchase products from businesses. And the third is directed to the owners repurchasing products. 

What can we do
According to our vision statement, we then devised three assumptions which we went and prototyped which is the starting point of our solution. 
This is an overview of our service strategy that we built for Taiwan’s market to support start-up pet healthcare food businesses, this could be applied and replicated with all similar start-ups and not just for Coredump. Our Model is split into three stages: 1.The first stage helps with preparing the business to start. 2.The second stage looks at helping them enter the market. 3.The third one helps them to open up sales channels. 
short term
long term


We believe that our service would bring immediate short-term gains and long-term value for all 3 stakeholders.  All three stakeholders would receive the benefit of the system being more efficient.
