This series of workshops led by Emilie Darlet & Rick Nodine invites participants to explore new ways of encountering and relating, of supporting one another through deep listening in a playful co-creation, rehabilitating the body as a valid starting point for decision making and collaboration.
The DNE Lab is a space to learn to value and welcome unpredictability and to build creatively from it. A space shaping minds and bodies to interact in entirely new ways with the world around, leaving us more agile and better equipped to navigate unexplored territories and deftly respond to the Unexpected, characteristic of post-pandemic times. More agile and better equipped to design sustainable forms of being together.
Starting by lying together on the floor, we will work to disrupt our social and professional personas by relinquishing the upright stance of competent capitalist subjects. While close to the floor we will reclaim a harmonious relationship to earth by surrendering to the pull of gravity and accessing pleasure in non-goal oriented movement.
We will move on to radically reorient our relationship to physical proximity through experiments in non-gendered, non-manipulative, non-hierarchical touch. By reframing touch as communication based on receptivity and ‘listening’, we will have a chance to observe what selves we become when we stop practising the Capitalist physicality of dominance and submission.