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Textiles (MA)

Danyang Li

Danyang Li (b.2000 CHINA).

Royal College of Art MA textiles.

People often find themselves periodically in a rush and confused, but through constant reflection, I continue to uncover my inner self. In the process of self-discovery, I find myself fascinated by odd shapes and dramatic expressions. These shapes resemble the ever-changing nature of my thoughts; they represent my understanding, feelings, and desire for expression.

I seem to be helping myself through theatrical healing.

The expression of emotions serves as both a means of emotional transfer and an outlet for emotional release. While people from different countries have unique ways of expression, embracing is undoubtedly a universal form. However, in my process of growing up, I have noticed unfortunately to have lost this ability. In my quest for self-discovery and confronting my inner self, I found solace in theatrical healing. This dramatic approach has become my redemption, as I establish a connection with myself by constructing peculiar shapes, essentially expressing my longing for both giving and receiving embraces.

Within this process, these states possess their own stories and emotions, presenting the richness and diversity of human emotions in a poetic manner. These states have become a medium for communication with my inner world through my design. They appear to be living entities, conveying the emotions of my inner depths through their static expressions and postures. With their unique and captivating appearances, these dolls outline the joy, sadness, longing, and hope that I have experienced.

Through interacting with these shapes, I have rediscovered my longing and the ability to express myself. This artwork aims to provoke contemplation of one's own emotions in the audience, evoking resonance from their inner depths, and encouraging them to embrace their emotions once again and find the power of healing and expression in the realm of art.

Do you remember the feeling of hugging?
Do you remember the feeling of hugging?
Do you remember the feeling of hugging?
Do you remember the feeling of hugging?
Do you remember the feeling of hugging?
Do you remember the feeling of hugging?
Do you remember the feeling of hugging?
Do you remember the feeling of hugging?
Please hug me again, please.
Please hug me again, please.
Please hug me again, please.
Please hug me again, please.
Please hug me again, please.
Please hug me again, please.
Please hug me again, please.
Please hug me again, please.
Please hug me again, please.
Please hug me again, please.
Please hug me again, please.
Please hug me again, please.
Please hug me again, please.
Please hug me again, please.
Please hug me again, please.
Please hug me again, please.