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Visual Communication (MA)

Claire Breach

I have you here today to make a proposition, a solution if you like, to this whole degree show malarkey. For I have discovered a way to combine two endless sources of joy, animals and food. I have created the Entertainment known as ANIBBLES.

Behold, for I have amassed an army of Anibbles. 

This army can do your bidding. They can do everything for you. Easy peasy Lemole squeezy. The Anibbles can set you free and entertain everyone in the process.

Join me and we will rule the attention economy! 

(Thank you in advance for your cooperation).

A pixelated image of the artist wearing a wrestling mask.

A sense of knowing 'you don’t have to take it seriously' is something I reflect upon with earnest intent. What is generated when we take typically inane things seriously and vice versa? This is the question running throughout my work.

I work under the alter-ego Rhubarcode by reason of 'why not', which has further altered into the gimmick (i.e. the alter-ego used in Pro-WrestlingRhubarioRhubario’s purpose is to announce Anibbles using the ultimate strength of voice and body. Rhubario also flexes the mind, using Anibbles to dismantle logic via linguistics.

Rhubario wrestles with concepts informed by: parafiction and postmodern literature, which was delivered to her via visitation by Mr Sparkle from the popular American anime series, The Simpsons.

All ideas become gimmicks, which Rhubario has fully embodied. As the self-proclaimed champion of gimmicks and protector of Anibbles, Rhubario declares, 'Re-cognise yourself in Anibbles!'

A zoom-in of the anibbles with the title written overlaid
Launch Project
I have discovered a way to combine two endless sources of joy- animals and food. I have created the Entertainment known as ANIBBLES. Behold, for I have amassed an army of Anibbles. This army, can do your bidding. They can do everything for you. Easy peasy Lemole squeezy. The anibbles can set you free and entertain everyone in the process.
ANIBBLESLink to the animation.
A piece of writing detailing how Anibbles came about. [PART 1]
Growing up, when I was asked to 'clear up the table' I would collect the dishes and all in the tablecloth and toss it in the bin. When I was then asked to 'put a sock in it', well, you can imagine how that would be interpreted. My confusion surrounding idioms and homophones etcetera turned into questioning. I searched for the 'cats and dogs' when it rained, concerned that those cats could 'get my tongue'. I turned to the mirror, and wondered how my untucked shirt turned me into a 'sack of potatoes'[...]
A piece of writing detailing how Anibbles came about. [Part 2]
It seemed that everyone’s bodies and minds were ruled by invisible animals and inanimate objects. [...] Since maturing, these vivid encounters with figurative speech didn’t exactly fade, and now as a creator I now enjoy 'turning the tables'. I created Anibbles because I want to turn the confusion and anxiety of encountering linguistics into a joyful thing. Make the non-verbal, verbal, and back again, make the figurative, literal and back again. [...]
A piece of writing detailing how Anibbles came about. [Part 3]
So why animals and why food? It is because of their universality. I want to emphasize how animals and food transcend language, with language itself. I want to fuse the words we’ve assigned to them to strip them of meaning in order to pave the way for new meaning. This is so that something we experience passively, becomes an active cognitive process, a rethinking of things. A re-cognition if you like. I hope to conjure meaning from meaninglessness.
A piece of writing detailing how Anibbles came about. [Part 4]
Whether Anibbles makes you laugh or groan or scratch your head then now turn to a mirror and see that sack of Moushpotato staring back at you. See how it distorts. Cut your hair and you might see a Crowbergine fly out. If you open your mouth and peer down your throat, you might even make out a pair of amphibian eyes in there. Could it be? It’s Froghurt!




An ink drawing of a star-nosed mole
Page 1 of the zine. Contains below text and ink drawings of mole hills and a mole.
There’s a mole in my garden! I remember the last time I saw a mole was when I was a child Was this in Northern Ireland? No, it could not have been Northern Ireland Why? Because there are no moles in Ireland Where are they?? They’re all gone..
Page 2 of the zine, contains text below and an ink drawing of a snake curled up, St Patrick holding his staff, and a mole
Do you know it’s a complete myth that St Patrick chased out the snakes of Ireland Instead… he chased out all the moles And the snakes naturally followed the moles for their dinner
Page 3 of the Mole zine, contains text below and an ink drawing of a snake, and St Patrick whacking the mole into the sky
Now why did St Patrick not like moles? These good moles It was because they got on his nerves They would pop up in his garden and so he would use his long staff To whack em! But then another one would pop up right there! And so he would use his long staff again to whack em! And it would happen again……… he would whack em! And again… get the picture now And so that was how the game whack-a-mole was invented.
Page 4 of the mole zine, shows text below, with an ink drawing of a shamrock, and St Patrick holding up a pint in a pub
And so that was how the game whack-a-mole was invented. But whack-a-mole was not the legacy that St Patrick wanted He wanted to be remembered for St Paddys day The holy day Of the sesh So he banished all the moles then went down the pub to buy everyone a round.
Page 5 of the mole zine shows text below, with an ink drawing of a snake eating itself
Because of misconceptions of St Patrick chasing out the snakes alongside his invention of whack-a-mole This is how the American tradition of snake-whacking-day originated As seen in the popular American anime series the Simpsons. It all comes full circle you see Like Orris Borris The snake that ate itself Because it mistook its tail for a mole
Page 6 of the mole zine, shows writing below and ink drawing of a quill, and a mole
Returning to this mole I saw as a child It wasn’t in Ireland so it must have been Scotland And this mole was on the ground, Dead as a minature velvet cushion And so I sat upon this minature velvet cushion and wrote a poem
Page 7 of the mole zine, shows writing below and ink drawings of a person interacting with mole hills, and listening
There are moles in the ground And moles on your skin See these moles in the sound They're moles from within
Page 8 (final) of the mole zine, shows writing below and ink drawings of King William III falling off his horse
Now for a real history lesson: Do you know that a mole killed William III? One day when William III was out on horseback in Scotland, his horse struck a molehill and he fell off, injuring himself. By this accident the king broke his collar-bone, a severe illness followed, and he died a few days later. For this reason, his enemies, the Jacobites would make a toast to this murderous mole. They would say raise your glass to the wee gentleman in velvet!
“You take the boring pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the mole pill, you stay in the underworld, and I show you how deep the mole hole goes.” Molepheus from the Mortrix.

Consider the mole. Is it friend or foe? If you chose foe, then know your battle with moles is futile; for if you destroy a molehill, another one will inevitably pop up. Must we condemn ourselves to this eternal game of whack-a-mole? In our temporary existence, we trip over molehills because we evade sitting with our own mortality.

If we inspect, we will see that these forts designate passageways to the underworld, inhabited by the blind and burrowing undertakers.

New Rendezvous St PreviewA silent tour of New Rendezvous St available to see on
Screenshot of world composed of a 3D park, with road signs that are also portals and a map of all the worlds
Launch Project
Entrance WorldThis is the entrance world, featuring road signs that double as portals. In the centre, is a map of all the worlds and how they interconnect. (A collaboration with Xanthe Horner and Wenhui Jiang)
A screenshot of a desert, with scanned in ruins of a haberdashery and a colourful cartoon character in the centre.
Launch Project
HABDABIAN NIGHTSOur joyful antagonist Peanut-Head is in a continual cycle of death and rebirth. Peanut-Head’s ultimate goal is to reach salvation and return to bonbon heaven but is seemingly condemned to the purgatory-state of Habdabian Nights.
A screenshot of a desert, with scanned in ruins of a haberdashery and a colourful cartoon character in the centre.
Launch Project
HABDABIAN NIGHTSOur joyful antagonist Peanut-Head is in a continual cycle of death and rebirth. Peanut-Head’s ultimate goal is to reach salvation and return to bonbon heaven but is seemingly condemned to the purgatory-state of Habdabian Nights.
A 3D world showing pipecleaners and other odd bits of craft materials, the character Mandi is seen amongst this.
Launch Project
Felt-WorldWelcome to Felt World, the culmination of reappraising old British children's trash media with collaborator Xanthe Horner. It features the character we created called Mandi, a girl who enjoys fancy dress, making crafts and has dreams of going to Felt-World. If you take a leap of faith from the craft table to the nonsense box, you might end up in Felt-World.
An image of a cartoon house with a photograph of the character Mandi (who is giant) exploding from the window
Launch Project
Felt-WorldWelcome to Felt World, the culmination of reappraising retro British trash children's media with collaborator Xanthe Horner. It features the character we created called Mandi, a girl who enjoys fancy dress, making crafts and has dreams of going to Felt-World. If you take a leap of faith from the craft table to the nonsense box, you might end up in Felt-World.
A virtual world showing a living room underneath a giant table. There is a TV, plates of jelly on the floor, a bubblegum machine
Launch Project
Mandi HouseWelcome to The Mandi house. This house has been taken over by the degenerate puppets Schlorp and Sindy, avid consumers of Mandi's Brand, Brandi™. (A collaboration with Xanthe Horner)
A focus on the sofa showing two star-shaped characters, eating popcorn and watching TV.
Launch Project
Mandi HouseWelcome to The Mandi house. This house has been taken over by the degenerate puppets Schlorp and Sindy, avid consumers of Mandi's Brand, Brandi™.

New Rendesvouz St

At SXSW with RCA New Rendezvous Street

New Rendezvous Street: An Archeology of the Future, UK House

Through the course of UK House’s opening, we invite attendees of SXSW to join us as we build and populate a digital environment that is entirely new, immersive, inventive and inclusive. A digital world will emerge, grow and evolve throughout the course of SXSW, transcending time zones and geographies. 

Featuring work from staff & students at RCA including (instagram handles) @benbranagan @rhubarcode @yuancao_dodo_works_ , @yuqiang_ch @xanlefee @junyijacky @shanhuang.hs @eleni.ikon @oo0untitled_egg @whosaidsoda @yupan2030 @pppunko @sundachun @oskieblu


Interactive world