I have spent the past two years investigating Travel as a form of device and opposing forces' movements (Gothe's explanation on Systole and Diastole). It is through the opposite movements of life formed. To give a few examples that I've worked with across various mediums:
Action vs. Pause
Stimuli vs. Emotions
Goal vs. Process
Excitement vs. Fear
Comfort vs. Change
The Angel and Devil are archetypes of opposite perspectives, whether it to be external or internal.
I always imagined them to be in a quarrel, instead, they actually meant to have tea together. It is through this movement, it creates growth development, and more discovery of the Self.
Resistance comes when "I think it's better to be here..." rather than accepting being on one side or both without judgments.
I think ≠ I am
in Tarot's 21st card:
Physical, Spiritual, Mental, Emotional = I am
Reminder: Don't stay too long!
Enlightenment and Cage are the two sides of the same coin.
Instead of viewing them as destinations, see them as movements, forces to push the journey forward.
The journey is like Russian Roulette. It would help if you found out which card is thrown at you, when.
One step forward, one step backward.
(So, going nowhere?)
Even when nothing seems to be happening, things are happening.
Waltz, {Waltzen, "to roll or revolve"}
3/4 mm-BAP-bap
The mm is the acknowledgment of the pattern,
BAP is the explosion of "the learning outcome."
bap is when the Universe throws another lesson again to ensure you've cleared the game,
like hitting a strike in bowling.
Mystical Wedding
a union of the Soul.
Feminity and Masculinity commit to each other fully.
(for graphic instruction, check out Carl Jung's Rosarium Philosophorum)
Yin and Yang is a way to describe its dance movement.
To feel the presence of fluidity,
Stand Still
watch and listen between the seen and the unseen, the sound and unsound.