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Curating Contemporary Art (MA)

Caspar Danuser

Caspar Danuser is a Swiss curator and gallerist.

His passion is working with emerging artists, developing innovative practices.

His curatorial practice is best summed up by John Berger: "Seeing comes before words. The child looks and recognises before it can speak."

Notable achievements:

  • He has curated 52 exhibitions featuring 127 artists from all over the world.
  • He has curated exhibitions in Berlin, Bern, Bucharest, Geneva, London, Oslo, Paris, and Zürich.
  • His work has been supported by various foundations and sponsors, such as for example the City of Bern.
picture of caspar danuser sitting on a chair

My curatorial practice is a fusion of love ethics, ontological contemplation, design management principles, and avant-garde curation techniques. Embracing Bell Hooks' concept of love ethics, I champion the transformative power of love as a tool for change and understanding within the art world. This love extends beyond mere sentimentality - it is a liberating force that fosters empathy, understanding, and inclusivity within gallery spaces.

Diving deep into the essence of 'being' within the art world, I explore our interactions, interpretations, and experiences with art. I advocate for a profound and more meaningful engagement that surpasses mere surface-level understanding.

My background in design management has equipped me with a structured approach to conceptualise and implement creative projects. I incorporate these principles into my curatorial practice, championing design thinking as a powerful tool to refine and elevate the artistic expression and experience.

In tune with the shifting paradigms in contemporary curation, my approach is ever-evolving, responding to the changing global landscape. I prioritise inclusivity, championing underrepresented voices, and creating a nurturing environment for artists and audiences alike.

My practice is committed to the present, exploring systems and connectivity in a world that is increasingly networked and interdependent. I strive to foster a curatorial environment that transcends the mundane, elevating all involved to a higher plane of existence and artistic appreciation.

In conclusion, my curatorial practice is a potent blend of love ethics, ontological exploration, design management principles, and contemporary curation approaches. I see the gallery not just as a space for displaying art, but as a platform for connection, transformation, and transcendence.


Review of «infinite softness»


«to be here with you»

"To Be Here With You" recognised a desire to reconnect through a series of five free public workshops led by artists. The project began with a responsive walk through Southwark Park and was followed by a guided activity in Southwark Park Galleries' Salter Space. Each workshop explored the sacred rituals of our everyday routines, ancient mythologies, earthly knowledge, or pagan beliefs. The project explored dynamic spaces of collectivity, participation, and shared thinking. Each workshop opened a pathway for audiences to appreciate the spaces we all inhabited, to rediscover the spiritual aspects of nature, and to value intimate routines as something sacred.


Some more exhibitions