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Animation (MA)

Blanche Malet

Blanche is a 24 year-old French multimedia animator. Before starting her MA in Animation, she studied Greek Literature at La Sorbonne and UCL (2018-2021), and completed a Graduate Diploma in Art and Design at the Royal College of Art, Communication pathway (2022). 

Her media of choice are primarily analogue, such as clay, wood or foam for stop-motion puppet animation, or pastels and charcoal for 2D hand-drawn animation. She is also curious about experimenting with other analogue techniques such as paint on glass, pin screen animation, collages, etc. Her work focuses on deciphering emotions and human relationships, especially addressing questions surrounding old age, death, grief and spirituality. 

Degree Details

School of CommunicationAnimation (MA)RCA2023 at Battersea and Kensington

RCA Kensington, Stevens Building, Ground floor

A self portrait of a woman of 23 years old smiling with brown long hair, bangs, blue eyes and red lipstick

Her current work and final MA film is an auto-ethnographical experimental animation, using charcoal, pastels on tissue paper and hand stitched thread. It deals with the various, both weird and comforting thoughts one can think when losing a close relative, in this case, a father. The five minute film addresses the grieving process metaphorically as healing a deep wound, that even when closed and healed, leaves a scar for the rest of the mourner’s life. 

Behind the scenes video
Drawing the final scene
Picture taken by Irushi Tennekoon
Drawing the final scene
Picture taken by Irushi Tennekoon
Still from final scene showing the studio environment
Film's poster showing a charcoal drawing with red stitching and the film's title at the bottom right