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Textiles (MA)

Zishan Hua

Zishan Hua is a textile designer specializing in weaving, with a strong focus on materials. Through her creative processes, she leads and develops a deep understanding of the materials she works with, allowing her to gain an acute sensory perception of their characteristics. As a weaver, she prefers to start from the basics, creating materials like yarns herself, as she believes there are no shortcuts to truly understanding the intricacies of the materials.

In the early stages of her career, Zishan Hua curated various projects centred around different materials, enriching her sensory experience with silk, cotton, bamboo, paper and clay. These projects have played a vital role in expanding her knowledge and expertise in each material. Notably, she succeeded by patenting her invention of placenta print, which originated from one of her projects.

Degree Details

School of DesignTextiles (MA)RCA2023 at Battersea and Kensington

RCA Kensington, Darwin Building, Seventh floor

ID photo

Inspired by E.H. Gombrich's "The Sense of Order," my artwork acknowledges the limitations of rhythm in weaving, primarily due to its predominantly surface-oriented nature. To address this limitation, I explore the use of perspective materials such as raw silk and monofilament yarns, aiming to create a polybasic order that encompasses both form and dimension.

Throughout my artistic practice, I continuously challenge myself to balance contrasting elements harmoniously. I actively seek the interplay of stability and instability, repetition and asymmetry, and peace and disturbance within myself. By focusing on the inherent qualities of rhythm and materials, each creation generates a distinct focal point, offering a unique perspective.

I believe that exploring the essential elements of rhythm and materials leads to new and captivating artistic expressions. It is within this exploration that I find inspiration and the ability to convey emotions and narratives through my work. By pushing the boundaries of traditional weaving techniques and incorporating unconventional materials, I strive to create art that evokes a sense of dynamic and intriguing visual experiences.

Rhythm of Colour I
Mixing and playing with colours in warp plan.
Rhythm of Colour II
Rhythm of Colour III


monofilament, raw silk


width 32cm, length various
Rhythm in Form I
Testing of various forms and layers in handwoven textile.
Rhythm in Form II
Rhythm in Form III


monofilament, raw silk


Width 18cm, Length various
Rhythm in Geometries I
By using silk as the ground warp and monofilament as the top warp, the block threading plan creates a distinct presentation with layers of yarn.
Rhythm in Geometries II
Rhythm in Geometries II


monofilament, raw silk