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Visual Communication (MA)

Ziou Ye

Ziou Ye is a cross-media artist and illustrator who has developed her unique aesthetic orientation and personal understanding influenced by Chinese and Western art and painting. She explores a new way of looking at the world around us through cognitive combinations, symbiotic relationships and perceptual transportations, using complex language structures inspired by contemporary art, performance, philosophy, science and technological research. Ziou’s work establishes new perspectives, using non-anthropocentric dialogues and other ways to explore more possibilities of artistic language.

2020:Ziou graduated from BA Oil Painting at Central University for Nationalities, China 

2021: Wuhan, China, Sino-British Design Education and Exchange Centre, "Hybrid Growth from Inside and Outside" exhibition

2022: "Diffracted Sensibilities. Artificial Gaze Virtual Exhibition", Royal College of Art

Statement image

I am committed to exploring the relationship between the material and spiritual worlds in the context of animism, and to poetically reconstruct the complex relationship between the 'living and the non-living' and the 'human and the non-human'. I have been creating and exploring around spirituality, geography, senses and ecology, and trying to find poetic high-latitude energies in the material world.

At the same time, the process of my exploration resembles a slow meditation, a way of observing the passage of time. It is like alchemy, bringing innovation and reflection again and again in a stream-of-consciousness dialogue.

Circular Resonance
Circular Resonance
Circular Resonance

The symbols in the illustration come from the notes I make after each meditation. At first I tried meditating in different environments, such as my own room, nature, an empty room, etc. Through repeated attempts, I found that when I was in nature I could better connect with my inner energy, it was a process of going from unstable to calm.

My meditation illustrations therefore use the natural elements as a medium to interweave unstructured meditative feelings with natural material phenomena. Thus creating unique and symbolic and regular images of energy. At the same time their combination reflects the instability of inner energy and the inevitability of change.

I print the illustrations and place them in random corners of nature. These illustrations of meditation symbols seem to be a microcosm of the individual's emotional energy. Their integration in the natural environment is therefore like a recurring process of connecting one's inner energy with nature.

Launch Project
Circular Resonance
Circular Resonance

It resembles a high-dimensional energy field with a holistic and regular nature. It consists of fine salt and stone symbols. In the research it can be found that the salt is an important healing medium when aligning personal energies, divination, meditation, it has a certain effect of purifying the mind and clearing complex energies. The stone symbols on the ground are like planets with trajectories and the whole salt formation seems to be a microcosm connecting the universe and spiritual forces.

Circular Resonance
Circular Resonance

Circular Resonance

We are part of everything, both ourselves and our environment, which is in a state of flux and uncertainty, so that life is nourished and new energy is birthed. The art historian Jon Wood points out that 'everything in the world is in a constant state of movement, boiling, staying active, nothing is really static'. So when we realise that we are in the river of life, we too choose to swim against this uncertainty, to fight it, or to remain calm, etc. In today's modern social context, where people are constantly under pressure, there is a dramatic increase in complex emotional energy. The inner space of the individual is therefore like an energy field with spiritual power, and it becomes one of the most important places where we can heal and find inner balance.

This project can be seen as a microcosmic way of seeking inner balance and manifesting inner energy and weaving together the past and the future. Under the premise of animism, the use of natural fickle material elements as a metaphor for fluid and complex energies (emotions) places the individual's supra-spatial energy in a higher dimensional realm. At the same time, natural matter is also an important medium and vehicle for interpreting the externalisation of emotions, epitomising the cosmic energy field and spiritual forces.

The project will therefore convey the process of personal emotional energy in a higher dimensional field through the use of spiritual substances, which are a constant source of insight, healing and self-reflection. It will also inspire people to break the rules and invite those who seek inner balance and attention to their emotions to look at themselves from a higher perspective and dimension.

The Hidden Energy Field
In my past works, the complex relationship between humans and nature, the secrecy, the unknownness of life and the imbalance of the environment have always been my interest. I use virtual language to re-imagine and reconstruct damaged ecological perspectives, using informality and randomness as a first step towards rebuilding relationships and a new order of things, thus finding new ways out for ecological sustainability and coexistence between humans and nature.
Transitional Zone - working drawing
Transitional Zone - working drawing
Transitional Zone - video
Transitional Zone
Transitional Zone - modelling details

The Hidden Energy Field

I am exploring and researching the London Wetland Center, the world's first centrally located park located 5km from central London next to the River Thames. As a wetland is a transitional zone between water and land, it can capture changes in its surroundings at first glance, so the uncertainty of this 'transitional zone' is akin to the complex relationship between people and ecological fragility. Through the wetland, I explore and find the balance between ecology and human beings and their boundaries, reconstructing and returning to nature in a virtual and realistic way, raising human sensitivity to the environment and drawing human attention to ecology and nature conservation.