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Animation (MA)

Yuehan Ren

Yuehan Ren is an animation artist from China who focuses on her unique personal feelings. For this reason, she likes to use poems and diaries to record her momentary inspirations.

Degree Details

School of CommunicationAnimation (MA)RCA2023 at Battersea and Kensington

RCA Kensington, Stevens Building, Ground floor

Personal Life Photos

Yuehan Ren explores the world after dreams in her work.

She tries to use animation to describe how lucid dreams feel to her.

Lucid dreams are like another dimension outside of reality, giving her more personal space to explore more possibilities.

Yuehan Ren likes to experiment with new and unusual materials to create animations, and in this project she discovered that bubbles can be used as a symbolic element of lucid dreams. As a result she became fascinated with the use of bubbles to create moving images. She delved into the practice of combining bubbles and hand-drawing, experimenting with the use of uncontrollable bubbles to represent dreams and hand-drawing to represent consciousness.

The hand-painted lines are interwoven with bubbles, similar to the unique sensation of one's consciousness moving through the dream world while lucid dreaming.

Bubbles contain dust
Bubbles contain dust
Bubbles floating in a dark tunnel
Bubbles floating in a dark tunnel
My body bubbles up
The cell-like bubbles
The dense bubbles look like a starry sky
The dense bubbles look like a starry sky
Solid bubbles made from edible materials
Solid bubbles made from edible materials
Bubbles blown with ink
Bubbles blown with ink
Capture the moment of foam bursting with tracing paper
Capture the moment of foam bursting with tracing paper