The work is inspired by the state of an alcoholic person, who arouses my reflection about the fickle ambiance over the whole city.
The melting ice is used in the work to reflect the dissipation of life, and to leave only the butter shell in the end. Ice and butter can't be merged the same way spirit and body always rub and collide, can't reach the final unification; the neon light is made into the shape of the cake, in order to express the contrast of pureness and beauty, hot and painful; I connected 16 long sockets to an remote area on the mountain. The glittering cake is very abrupt in the forest, and the mirror extends it all into blur and chaos. Just as alcohol mixed in our body, the fusion of organs leads to mental confusion and paralysis. The frog is what makes me fear, and it also symbolizes trouble and uncleanness. It’s put on the top of the work to laugh at others.
In addition, since animals, insects and humans have phototaxis and thermotaxis, they attract the attention of other animals. Life is also full of neon-like temptations. They are grilling me and pulling me. Apart from the optothermal, there will be more desires to drive and anesthesia.