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Painting (MA)

Xiyuan (Winston) Wang

Xiyuan (Winston) Wang (b.1998) lives and works in Hangzhou and London. After complete his Bachelor of Arts degree in Goldsmiths, University of London, he joined the MA painting course at RCA in 2022.

an installation image of a rock painting

I paint traces of the world that expresses its own process of decay, through process of translation, they either transcend from future into past, or become a fictitious historic totality.

From human bodies to plants, from relics once buried to a swift and energetic moment recorded on camera, the outlines of those objects, frozen in a specific time in the past, their original environments and context were deprived, yet their colours, materials and surface texture were reinvented in the unfolding present. In their ambiguous states, they clash with the present tense corporeality of the canvas.

Oscillating between the aesthetics of those motifs and their underlying monumentality, my paintings ceased to be statements of truth, for I am no historian nor archaeologist. They are merely a collective reflection of my vision into the uncertain future, they are products of chaos, illusion and confusion.

a green rhino skeleton
Black FuelOil on Linen, 70 x 60 cm, 2023
an elephant skull, a plastic whale model, and a whale skeleton
Mammals of KensingtonOil on Linen, 90 x 220 cm, 2023
A taihu rock
In CorrosionOil on Linen, 90 x 60 cm, 2023
A Plant with two deep sea fish on the table.
Plant at Parker's Oil on Linen, 25 x 18 cm, 2023
an explosion
Missile TestOil on Linen, 80 x 70 cm, 2023
a plant in blossom
BlossomOil on Linen, 90 x 60 cm, 2023
three nudes with 7 pineapple plants
Nudes with PineapplesOil on Linen, 32 x 32 cm, 2023
two people in water holding each other
Hurricane SaomeiOil on Canvas, 90 x 150 cm, 2023
an animal skeleton
TemnospondyliOil on Linen, 25 x 50 cm, 2023