We cannot directly experience the inner emotions of others; we can only speculate and empathize through imagination, inference, and projection. The accuracy of such speculation is indeed questionable. Even though we may not have the ability to fully experience each other's inner worlds, just as I stand before you but cannot truly see you, we can still engage in discussions about feelings, love, and the world.
Beings immersed, your smile overturns spirits.
I am captive, unable to distinguish the clock and orientation.
Truth scripted by you, rules controlled by you.
You're the Mona Lisa, a mysterious trace under your lips.
Knock-down, helplessly admitting my recklessness.
suddenly soar, suddenly descend,
like an arrow on a string.
You loose, reluctantly I depart,
you tighten, anxiously I wait.
Vesperal screen falling,
you appear or vanish.
Approaching, I audaciously interpret,
leaving, you express unease.
My Mona Lisa, leaving those hints.
Indecipherable, willingly embracing my foolishness.
You're my Mona Lisa, the philosopher I deeply love,
love isn't so complex, just go.