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Textiles (MA)

Xintian Tang

Xintian Tang (Aria), originally from China and currently residing in London, is a multidisciplinary textile and fashion designer. Her work encompasses menswear, 3D printing sustainable materials and bio-materials design.

While pursuing a master's degree in textiles at the Royal College of Art, she sought to explore the connection between social emotions and sustainable nature by combining home design with textile design.

She hopes that her work can provide people with a new perspective: to focus on the overlooked aspects while maintaining a balance between textile design's functional and artistic values.

the cover


The use of negative space is a means of emphasising and drawing attention to specific elements or concepts.

The inspiration behind Back Seat derives from a self-reflection phase, with the key design concept revolving around distance. In my opinion, "distance" is often a struggle, encompassing the space between emotions and reason, absolutes and relativity, and the proximity or detachment from others. Finding a comfortable equilibrium within these distances proves elusive.

Perhaps, most choices and interactions serve as a means to explore one's own boundaries.

For me, the true distance lies within my mind and consciousness. As a result, I transformed my centre point into a chair. A chair maybe represents the simplest means of creating a new space. It provides intimate bodily support while offering a secure vantage point for observation, enabling my mind to "Take a Back Seat". 

Sitting down, relinquishing control, symbolise my retreat, a way to gain perspective–an act of connection, liberation, and opening oneself up.

Thus, the chair becomes an extension of myself, embodying my essence. When you are willing to join another me in sitting down, mutually retreating to gain perspective, it becomes optimal for our worlds to intersect.

From the same angle and shared support, we transition from independence to connection, ultimately becoming integral parts of a unified world.

The support provided to the waist and neck region creates a sense of security for me.
the leather
The materials used in Back Seat also stem from the overlooked aspects. Leather is a beautiful material, but due to its natural sourcing, its utilization rate is low, and the tanning process contributes to significant environmental pollution. This implies that companies involved in leather production generate substantial waste in the form of scraps and offcuts.
To address this issue, I have designed a reversible bio-adhesive that transforms valueless waste into an innovative material derived 100% from animals. Careful consideration was given to the environmental impact of any resins or chemical components used in the production process.
the fiber 2
the hhhh
Bio-resin, starch-based rubber, bio-silicone, bio-linoleum, plastic extra flexible.


Leather fibre, bio-resin
the experiment
I unconsciously interacted with the bean bag sofa and documented the shapes formed by my body and its surface.
The indentations and protrusions of a bean bag sofa, the folding of my body and the emotional perception of intimate contact.


Leather fibre, bio-resin, PLA


26 x 40 x 35 cm
the red leather
the tounge
the tounge2
The design of the back seat's shape is inspired by the "body" structure. I aimed to highlight these structures and details, which led to a visual collaboration with Yushen Ma. Tongue and leather differ significantly in texture: softness and hardness, smoothness and roughness. By replacing the chair's material, I sought to explore further the possibilities that "distance" can bring to this piece of chair.