Flash fiction - Reproductive Chair
The story is set in the year 2122, when human society is gradually being interfered with by highly intelligent robots. Robots no longer reproduce through their mothers' wombs, but through reproductive chairs.
The story revolves around the main character, MegA24-7, and a chair, an extraordinary chair that acts like a womb and provides a safe cover. MegA24-7 knows that this is where she was born and the chair knows her very well, as it reads and organises her data while she sleeps and even deletes some unimportant data.
One day, when MegA24-7 tries to destroy the reproductive chair, it collapses and the next morning the same robot creature slowly opens its eyelids, "Good morning MegA24-8, are you sitting comfortably?" the chair asks.
In the story, when the reproductive process is initiated, the mother's body does not 'die'. Instead, the body is inherited by the offspring, while the mother's consciousness is replaced by that of the offspring.