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Information Experience Design (MA)

Wanxin Yi (Dodo)

Wanxin Yi is a multidisciplinary artist currently based in both London and Shanghai. She initially pursued her undergraduate studies in Fashion Design at the China Academy of Art in 2014, where her interest in visual art was ignited. Following her graduation, she worked as a Branding Designer in Shanghai before deciding to further refine and develop her artistic practice at the prestigious Royal College of Art.

She has a penchant for exploring diverse artistic expressions to convey her ideas and themes.Her approach encompasses various mediums, including photography, moving image, animation, and experimental film. Embracing the versatility of different materials, she finds joy in utilizing diverse materials to achieve her creative objectives.

About dopamine

Throughout my MA studies I have been drawn to using experimental film as a tool to communicate topics and emotions. I like to explore different digital materials for each project taking time and consideration over what aesthetic would be appropriate for each narrative, story and audience.  

I have chosen to base this project on dopamine, a vital neurotransmitter in the human body that plays a crucial role in experiencing pleasure through the brain's reward system. As someone who has experienced dopamine dysfunction from birth, I am a member of the invisible disability community. Through this project, I wanted to capture and depict the journey and emotional experiences associated with our relationship with dopamine over time.

This project provides a glimpse into the daily challenges of living with dopamine dysfunction. I aim to create an understanding and awareness of this condition that is nearly imperceptible to the general public.

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Experimental Film

