Wanlin Jiang is a botanical adventurer. Wanlin initially gained attention with her collaborative project Plant Whisper, followed by a series called Plant Secrets. Her work focuses on the study of plants explored through the discipline of Visual Communication as a bridge to create meaningful connections between humans and nature.
Wanlin works across different media, ranging from installations, sculptures, sound design, people’s theatre, experimental videos, etchings, paintings, publications and more. She has received widespread press, multiple awards, and has painting and sculptural work in numerous private collections. She is co-founder of Plant Whisper Studio.
Vogue+ China; Kinfolk China; White Noise; Iklectik; abC Art Book Fair; Chapel Arts Studios; Taoxichuan Art Center; Jingdezhen Taoxichuan Glass Studio; Hangzhou OoEli; Beijing Quanyechang Cultural Arts Center; Cheung Kong School of Art & Design's Museum; Cloud Mountain Biodiversity Conservation and Research Center.