Discover "Leterfrms," an immersive augmented reality animation that unravels the intricate connections between dyslexia, processing, and working memory. Through emerging technology, this interactive experience reveals the hidden realms of dyslexic minds and celebrates the transformative power of creative expression.
Enter a place where letters come alive, dance, and morph before your eyes. "Leterfrms" brings the words to life, displaying the challenges and triumphs of dyslexic individuals as they navigate the fluid landscapes of language. Witness the dynamic interplay of letters, as they reshape, blend, and reimagine themselves, representing the unique cognitive processes of dyslexia.
By blending immersive storytelling and captivating visuals, "Leterforms" sheds light on the strengths and alternative modes of thinking that dyslexic individuals possess. Interact with the animated illustrations, understanding dyslexia's impact on processing, while embracing its ingenuity.
Join "Leterfrms" to challenge preconceptions, opening minds to the dynamic interplay of language, perception, and creativity. Empower individuals to explore diverse perspectives and foster inclusivity in creative fields.