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Visual Communication (MA)

Sichen Lin (林思辰)

Sichen Lin is a visual communication designer and visual artist. He graduated from the Beijing Institute of Technology with a Major in visual communication. He works in typography design, poster design, brand design, interdisciplinary research in installation art, and experimental videos.


Beijing Excellent Undergraduate Graduation Design Nomination.Issued by Beijing Municipal Education Commission municipal-level

Poster Nomination, issued by Beijing International Photography Week Committee, international level


In my work, I focus on emotional issues as well as social and cultural issues. I also like to study the concept of speculative design and critical design, imagining the future and criticising things. There are generally three types of people associated with critical thinking: the impartial critic aspires to embody intellectual virtue in all situations; selfish critics are often unconcerned with the rights of others; non-judgmental people don't care about ideas and are therefore easily manipulated. The speculative design uses design language and methods to fabricate and speculate on the future, arousing people's interest and encouraging discussion. In essence, the speculative design uses direct objects or scenes instead of words to promote people to think critically about the things around them. I hope that I can contribute to the sustainable development of the world.

An audience participation record
Print the list of happiness record

This is an interactive game, the purpose is to let the Epiphyllum (flower) on the screen bloom from seed to flower. Enter the goals you have experienced related to Arrival Fallacy, and the process of achieving the goal will be represented by the process of the seed flowering. Enter some more events to make the flower grow, and finally, the flower will bloom but it will ultimately disintegrate, showing the illusion of happiness – Arrival Fallacy.

The game rules:

1. Enter a goal that you have experienced in relation to the Arrival Fallacy and this seed will represent that goal. (For example, one of your goals that have experienced the Arrival Fallacy is college application success)

2. The way to fully grow this flower is to enter the event to achieve this goal in the next screen. This event should make you experience a small sense of happiness. (For example, I really like the feeling of staying up late at school and studying with my classmates. That moment makes me feel very happy) A small thing can make the flower grow and bloom.

3. The flower of happiness will not bloom forever, it will ultimately disintegrate, showing the illusion of happiness – Arrival Fallacy.

As the Arrival Fallacy says, The flower of happiness will not bloom forever, it will ultimately disintegrate, showing the illusion of long-term happiness-Arrival Fallacy. But your efforts for this goal and every moment of little happiness have inadvertently made you feel real happiness many times and now we will give you a list of your happiness from the information you enter.

I hope you can find every little happiness in life, not just clinging to the illusion of long-term happiness after one goal.

In Collaboration with:

Flower Sketch work and Nuotian Cai

3d Flower model work with Shiwen Wang

TouchDesigner work with Kailin Zhang


1200mm x 600mm

The Book is divided into three parts


(1)The concept of arrival fallacy

(2)The 15 famous saying of chasing the goal is com- pared with the reality of arrival fallacy of reaching.

(3)The experience of reaching arrival fallacy of the 8 interviewes.

1. For the concept part, I collected some articles and added my own analysis in this section

2. I have collected 15 famous quotes that let us chase our goals and compared them with the reality of reaching the Arrival fallacy, and visualized the famous quotes through the layout of text and graphics.

3. I interviewed 8 people who had experienced the arrival fallacy and compared their false ideas about lasting happi- ness after achieving their goals to reality. The happiness will not last long after completing the goal. And it is expressed through transparent paper and epiphyllum closure.

Afterward, I added a concept.

We have gone through the process of reaching the Arrival fallacy, which I liken to the process of blooming in the epiphyllum. If we think that Epiphyllum will be open for a long time. It will give people a long-lasting sense of happiness. But in reality, Epiphyllum just opens for a short time. So I will use the image element of epiphyllum in this publication. Denotes happiness after achieving a goal, which actually doesn't last long.

For Chapter(1), I collected some articles and added my own analysis in this section.
For Chapter(2), I have collected 15 famous quotes that let us chase our goals and compared them with the reality of reaching the Arrival fallacy, and visualized the famous quotes through the layout of text and graphics.
For Chapter(3), I interviewed 8 people who had experienced the arrival fallacy and compared their false ideas about lasting happiness after achieving their goals to reality. The happiness will not last long after completing the goal. And it is expressed through transparent paper and epiphyllum closure.


210mm x 175mm
This is a speculative design that imagines new breathing patterns in the future. As air quality deteriorates, people will have to use external devices to replace lungs and combine the functions of plants and fish gills to breathe through blood, greatly reducing the number of times they come into contact with air. The purpose is to cause people to reflect on the importance of air now through extreme breathing patterns.


In 2070 the world's air quality will have deteriorated, and a large number of pollutants will be incorporated into our daily life. It will lead to the death of aerobic organisms on a large scale worldwide. A new era will exist where people will be forced to wear masks, ventilators, oxygen cylinders, etc. Some of these items will be stolen, others monopolised by people, which once again leads to some deaths.

New Era (New Breathing Plan)

In order to survive, the remaining people organised a plan to try to change their way of breathing and evolve with biological fusion. To adapt to the new environment, the trachea and lungs are no longer used for uninterrupted breathing, but a combination of cutting off the trachea, integrating an external device, and injecting clean air at regular intervals for 24 hours. For the inhalation reaction, combined with plant photosynthesis to assist respiration, people will only need to inhale once a day, the air of one balloon at a time, and the rest of the oxygen needs will be supplied by plants. Exhalation combines the exhalation principle of fish gills and uses water circulation to remove carbon dioxide in the blood, and avoids exposure to air completely.

In Collaboration with:

Kailin Zhang and Nuotian Cai

Code support and code accessory usage support. Sketch drawing assistance and installation assembly assistance.


Acrylic, Pvc pipe, Metal, Paint, Plants



This project is a centre for selling air. This speculative design is a reflection on the nature of air in the future when large-scale air pollution will cause most people to be unable to access clean air. When only a few areas have clean air, people will start selling clean air according to demand. The transformation of air from a public good to a private good will take place.

Air pollution in many places around the world is a serious problem. Current data shows that in 2023, about 10 million people worldwide will die from air pollution. Based on the analysis of the current pollution situation, I have made a speculative design of an air trading centre. In this future world, people will commercialise the air with conventional commercial behaviour so that the use of air will change from a public service to a private service. It will change people's values and the world’s outlook on air. This project is divided into four parts: sales display, activities, video, and a limited 30-box empty sale display.

Part 1 Selling Air 

There are posters selling four types of air. Different prices are also marked above. It represents the commoditization of public goods.

Part 2 Website Display

Using the website, people can buy air and get membership cards and redemption coupons. The site imitates conventional commercial behaviours so that people who experience this process can feel the deprivation of the right to use air by commercialization.

Part 3 Limited to 30

In this part, I collected 30 advanced clean air balloons and put them in a box, limited to 30 pieces. People can't buy it normally, instead they can only buy it after a lottery on the website. This further strengthens the concept of the commodification of public goods. 

Part 4 How to Use Balloons

Take a video of using a balloon to inhale clean air. There is also a companion booklet instructing people on how to use the balloons.

The significance of this project is to ask people to pay attention to air pollution, and to speculate on the fact that severe air pollution in the future will pose a threat to human health, and at the same time, lead to changes in the nature of clean air, and the right to use clean air.


Paper, Plastic


Various size