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Digital Direction (MA)

Shuyue Li


"Moonset - In the Mundane World"(凡尘里・月落乌啼) is a new interpretation of the ancient Chinese poem "The Night of the Maple Bridge". It is inspired by the phenomenon of "temple fever" in China, reflecting the spiritual crisis generated by young people in the post-epidemic era, as well as their anxiety, confusion, and powerlessness to live in the city.

"Moonset - In the Mundane World" presents a modern city full of challenges and pressures. Through a surrealist approach, modern imagery is brought into the original poetic meaning, creating a modern version of the Night of the Maple Bridge. This is not only an innovative way of artistic expression, but also a call to listen and pay attention to the deepest longings of the heart, and a reflection of contemporary youth on their own lives and future.

This work reflects the author's keen insight and concern for the state of life of modern urban youth, while at the same time combining ancient and modern, poetry and scenery, bringing us a new artistic experience and space for reflection.

The Night of the Maple Bridge

by Zhang Ji (Tang Dynasty, AD 756)

At moonset cry the crows, streaking the frosty sky, 

Dimly lit fishing boat s ‘neath maples sadly lie. 

Beyond the city walls, from Temple of Cold Hill, 

Bells break the ship-borne roamer’s dream and midnight still.

Degree Details

School of CommunicationDigital Direction (MA)RCA2023 at Battersea and Kensington

RCA Kensington, Darwin Building, Lower-ground and Upper-ground floors


Shuyue Li (Sylvia) is a digital artist and visual designer based in London, Beijing, and Wuhan. Her work is always elegant and sensitively researched. She is keen to explore the practical help or psychological comfort brought by visual communication and digital media and try to use more technology and visual language to solve people's needs when facing social dilemmas in the future. She also pays great attention to cultural heritage because it is the spiritual treasure of the human world. She always responds to social change and hopes to share more stories in digital media to communicate more diverse ideas, cultures, and values.

Background Introduction
Background IntroductionLife in today’s society is too fast-paced, economic development is not good, and uncertainty has greatly increased. Young people entering society are facing more worries and challenges than ever before. Behind the “temple fever” is a sense of group powerlessness. When the torrent of generations carries young people forward, only a small percentage of them can keep up with the trend. And many more go helplessly with the flow after exhaustion.
What are the sources of anxiety and depression for yound people?
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