Shangyang Yu is a sound and media artist from China, currently based in London.
2022-2023 MA Information Experience Design, Royal College of Art (UK)
2019 - 2020 Exchange Program Fine Art, Hochschule Luzern-Design & Kunst (CH)
2017-2021 BA Public Art, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts (CN)
Selected Recent Exhibitions & Activities:
Beyond a priori, Seasons Gallery, London, UK (20th - 23rd Jul 2023)
Echoes of the Abyss - Canal Dream Art Festival, London, UK
Nocturnes: When the World Sleeps- Canal Dream Art Festival, London, UK
void setup( ) - Sensing your sense, M P Birla Millenium Gallery, London, UK
Dream Harmonies - Canal Dream Oasis, Chengdu, CN
Message Drone No.1 - IRCAM Forum Presentation, The Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
Echoes of the Abyss - Murmations, Royal College of Art, London, UK.
The Man Escaped From Two-dimensional - An IntimateProcess of Strangeness, LuckyPot34, London, UK
Message Drone No.1 - Transformación, Monteaudio Festival 22, Online
void setup( ) - 42nd White Noise, IKLECTIK, UK