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Painting (MA)

Katherine Qiyu Su

Katherine Qiyu Su

b.1999, Beijing, CHINA

Lives and works in London, UK

Degree Details

School of Arts & HumanitiesPainting (MA)RCA2023 at Battersea and Kensington

RCA Battersea, Painting Building, First and second floors

photos of me

My paintings are letters without recipients.

In them, instantaneous is constantly emphasized. Things took place in the center of unknown time and space without precondition. It's a spotlight stage for emotion. Subject flows and looms, such a central but marginalized existence. Like written plays only stay on the rehearsal stage.

Through paintings, I seek possibility out of impossible situations. Bodies and movements became deconstructed, directed by particular emotions, and formed new motifs. Performancing on the linen through transformation between figuration and abstraction.

The theme revolves around relationships and addresses intimacy, vulnerability, dependency, and reflection. The characteristics of the media are destined to make them unable to merge, smoothing the fake harmony, the motive force is still growing inside the painting. Melted from the same brush mark but were bound to be separate. Representing the continuous closeness of the relationship between people comes into conflict with the sober but constantly shaken self. The struggle game takes place between rationality and sensibility.

Revealing the charcoal underneath the paint is like peeling the skin of the painting. With the skeleton, Figures bounding and then separated, hide underneath the mixture of liquid fluidity. They represent intertwined memories. Once with found clue, the forms then begin to appear. But within a blink of an eye, the shimmer of the light reflected on the paint shook. Again, they broke into separate shapes, and all narratives melted into organic patterns.

oil on canvas
Left: The shortest sentence and the longest parting Right: How I want you to read this miracle too


Oil, charcoal, ink on linen


200cm x 150cm
Painting about relationships, degree sho
How I want you to read this miracle too (夜晚的眼睛是被漆黑包裹的欲望)
oil on canvas


Oil, charcoal, ink on linen


200cm x 150cm
oil on canvas
The shortest sentence and the longest parting (爱是稻草般的暂存被大理石的永恒目睹)


Oil, charcoal, ink on linen


200cm x 150cm
oil on canvas
'The Tired Influencer' humming in the background, but the reply never arrive95cm x 73cm, 2023


Oil, charcoal, ink on linen


95cm x 73cm
Goodbye is a paradox (无尽的一百二十秒)200cm x 150cm, 2023


Oil, charcoal, ink on linen


200cm x 150cm
oil on canvas
It's 11pm at night, June 18th, by the sea200cm x 150cm, 2023
If the moonlight is bright enough, I wish all of it shines on you116cm x 89cm, 2023
Gold rusting down116cm x 89cm, 2022
A dangerous path that pollutes the past116cm x 89cm, 2023
You said jealousy wasn't in your nature200cm x 150cm, 2022-2023


Oil, charcoal, ink on linen


200cm x 150cm