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Environmental Architecture (MA)

Patryk Fingas

Anthropocene Terraformation Deforestation Industrial Revolution Economy Profit Extraction Degradation Chemical Fertilisers&Pesticides Agricultural Intensification Monoculture Climate Change Desertification Flooding Survival Sustainability

Patryk C, Fingas (b, 1997, Kalisz, Poland) is an environmental artist, designer, photographer and researcher. Through his creative lens, he explores Nature's beauty, degradation and rights in the modern world of the Anthropocene. Through the fusion of art, science and architecture, his work approaches to construct a transversal visual language for georeferenced environmental struggles making climate change data accessible for everyone despite place, distance, language or culture where everyone and anyone can interpret his art and graphics to read up on Nature's struggle

Expanding on his project, Fingas began to develop the TNS (Time For Nature To Speak) website, which aims to bring ecology and artists together, proposing a virtual map-based multimedia platform for research artists to exhibit their work and share their knowledge bringing Nature to our virtual pop culture and debate. 

(Beja, Intensive Monocrop Fields,37.994579, -7.912999, September, 2022)
"Interdisciplinary approaches are needed if we are to understand and solve the problems facing the planet", "artist's function is to search, to discover value, to value discovery, to discover qualities of value"

Andrew Brown, Art and Ecology Now, (2009)

Our realities, ways of being, culture, traditions, and environment have changed several times. We are yet again standing at the front of another revolution which is yet to determine if we survive the forthcoming 1000 years and how. Creativity being the turbine of change, is at the forefront of influencing our future existence, but for that to happen, all professions need to cooperate in one synchronised direction to benefit not only us but, most importantly, the natural environments which construct Nature's balance. 

Time For Nature To Speak
Launch Project
Photo documentation of micro processes. Fertiliser crystal.
Fertiliser Salt Crystals
Photo documentation of micro processes. Alfalfa Salt Conditioned
Alfalfa Salt Conditioned
Photo documentation of micro processes. Saline body bonding
The Growing Salt Crystal
Photo documentation of micro processes. Saline particles from Roxo Dam bonding colonising soil particles
Roxo Dam Salts, Portugal, 2023
Photo documentation of micro processes. Olive Leaf Cells
Olive Leaf Cells
Photo documentation of micro processes. Olive Leaf Cells Salt Conditioned. Dead Cells
Salt Conditioned Olive Leaf
Map showing intensive fields of Portugal
Agricultural Map of Portugal
Map showing intensive fields near Roxo Dam
Agricultural Map of Roxo Dam, Portugal
Map showing the environmental plan of Horsham district
Horsham District Environmental Map


GIS Site Mappings (Digital)
Front cover
The Next Millennium?


Creative Writing
Suspended containers of saline brine
Salt Stalactites
Suspended containers of saline brine
Salt Stalactites (1)
Segments of burned and saline conditioned oak wood
Salinized Forest Installation exhibited in Flower Bed Gallery., inspired by the Australian fires (2020) bringing debate over increasingly salinized soils, terraformations and intensive agriculture.
Segments of burned and saline conditioned oak wood
Salinized Forest (1)
Partially decomposed canvas by forest ecologies
Forest Shroud Partially decomposed canvas by forest ecologies, commenting on human temporary time on planet earth.
work purely from salt and rusting metal
Rusting Salt Wall This work expresses our passing time. The temporary presence of us and manmade objects which through time Nature takes apart returning us and the objects back to the environmental cycle.

