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Textiles (MA)


Minyu is a textile designer currently living and working in London. She has been exploring the fusion of textiles in the physical space and the spiritual world. She is good at using knitting, hand weave and print to redefine furniture items belonging to individuals and Spaces. She has rich experience in spatial permutation under different hardness, sources and friction forces. Starting from everyday home life, she is interested in the contact reaction between the human body and objects. At the same time, individuals and objects and materials are very much concerned about how to adapt to each other. In life, this is usually related to the way things are used and the way the body moves. She discusses the distrust of people trying to control everything, and her original intention is to achieve a "balance force" with space and materials.

Her exploration has always been not a desire for mastery of materials, but a reorganization of the spatial language in the interaction between materials and the spiritual world as a pillar: "it" supports me, "it" also supports "it" and "them."

Degree Details

School of DesignTextiles (MA)RCA2023 at Battersea and Kensington

RCA Kensington, Darwin Building, Seventh floor


Minyu focuses on spatial permutation under different hardness, source, and friction, extending from the relationship between body and object to the interaction between object and object and the interaction between object and space.

In her early days, she preferred to use special materials for cross-dimensional experiments, focusing on breaking through the touch of object surfaces, studying hardness, elasticity and material contrast. The scope of visual touch and dimension expression is discussed through material collision, and the mutual influence between objects and human body is considered from the allergic reaction brought by metal.

After the fracture incident, she began to reflect on who was defined as "supporting force" between the brace and the bone.

In addition to numbers, how to use textile language to elaborate the supporting force, friction and attraction between people and objects in the broad world, and how to "support" people in the space they are in?

The most recent inspiration comes from a fracture event.

Experience the first fracture in life in a strange city, a new mental journey.

"Why didn't you take painkillers? How long has the accident happened? Do you want crutches? Walking on crutches is very hipster behavior in college, really don't want it?"

#"Thank you but I don't want it , is this the protective cover you put on me?"

"It's not a protective sleeve, you can use it as a brace, and it's used to put the right force on your bones as you recover."

❝Interaction force❞ seriesGravity, interaction, attraction, repulsion, friction, elasticity, molecular force, magnetic force? When the two solids in contact are relatively stationary, the interaction force generated by the intermolecular force along the direction of the contact surface is called the static friction force. Static friction exists objectively between any touching surface, not just "it" and "it".
From gravity to the soul.
Split vase (model) 10x25x36cm
Split vase model (small) 10x10x7cm
Bloom model 45x25x45cm
"Jade Clean bottle" model 20x5x5cm
"Jade Clean bottle2" model 20x5x5cm
"Stamen" model 45x25x25cm
Pot model 38x38x20cm
Pot model 38x38x20cm medical consumable materials

Skeleton and support system in space

Water pipes, wires, security doors, rock walls, they are not a single surface, the outer envelope and the inner support system work together to become an independent object with a variety of characteristics. Each layer has its own significance and function, and one is indispensable.

Needle and thread are Minyu's tools. She uses sock thread, iron wire and metal mesh to rearrange the space, expressing her "thinking about the relationship between objects and space".

Metal weave, Cotton, stretch yarn, copper 25x25cm
Metal weave, sock thread, iron wire 15x20cm
Soft and hard, the skeleton is exposed.

From 2D to 3D, metal allergies are found in objects and traces of the human body.

This was Minyu's initial attempt to explore the impact of metal allergies on the human body and to describe the "reaction" of objects and the "reaction" of objects through the language of textile.

Minyu's MA quest also begins here.

Tea cup Metal weave, cotton thread hand dyed, iron wire 10x13cm