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Information Experience Design (MA)

Luyu Sun

Luyu Sun is a visual experimenter. Her dream is to become an intriguing individual.

She specializes in creating "conflict" and employs absurd and humorous means to critique reality, guiding people to contemplate and reflect on it.

Degree Details

School of CommunicationInformation Experience Design (MA)RCA2023 at Battersea and Kensington

RCA Kensington, Darwin Building, Upper-ground floor


Because of my love for fantasy, I excel at storytelling. I enjoy mapping the real world into the realms I create.

In this project, I will explore the intersection of biotechnology and society. I will use ethics and technology as dialectical points to delve into the ethical implications of the development of artificial creations and genetic engineering.

Scientific and technological advancements are revolutionizing fields such as electronic information, biomedical sciences, and energy materials. This transformative progress includes the emergence of cloning technology, the generation of artificial organs, and breakthroughs in gene editing, which are propelling human society towards an uncontrollable leap forward.

When genes can be edited, humans may pursue genetic modifications for themselves and their descendants in the pursuit of perfection. However, does this quest for perfection lead to the homogenization of the human species? Similarly, when organs can be replaced, customized, and traded, and our bodies are filled with replaced organs, can we still be considered "human" according to ethics and principles?

I will establish a corporation called "Cradle" that possesses the technology of gene editing, and through news events related to the corporation, I will guide the audience into the parallel world I have constructed. This will prompt people to contemplate the field of bioethics and the consequences of unbridled development in the realm of biotechnology.

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Launch Project
Vision News focuses on new technology and its impact on people, with a particular emphasis on biotechnology. We are committed to providing our viewers with the latest advancements in biotechnology, innovative discoveries, and the ways in which technology influences human life and society. Thank you for choosing to watch Vision News. We look forward to bringing you exciting and insightful coverage of biotechnology news and advancements!
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Using the news content on Vision News, I aim to depict the parallel world of unbridled development in biotechnology that I have constructed.

The news covers various topics, including bio-techno authoritarianism, post-capitalism, social inequality, privacy, and information security, all of which reflect concerns regarding genetic engineering and synthetic creations.


Moving Image
Early advertisements of CradleCradle Early Promotional Advertisement for Career Women. It showcases the baby nurturing and gene editing services provided by Cradle.
Customized Stomach Customer Requirements: Digestion of any food, increased capacity, and visibility. Customized Features: Enhanced stomach acid, expanded space, transparency for easy device connectivity and examination
Customized LungsCustomer Requirements: Addressing lung discoloration and respiratory issues caused by smoking. Customized Features: Custom color service, enhanced filtration capability, enlarged airways
Customized HeartCustomer Requirements: Becoming stronger. Customized Features: Incorporation of beast genes to triple myocardial efficiency


Moving Image/3D Modeling
Fill out the form based on your own organ needs and create a simple organ model.



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