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Information Experience Design (MA)

Lo Luo

In the summer of 2022, Usman Haque, the designer involved in Re:Wild Royal Docks, asked the question to a few of us graduating students: since rats and cockroaches are considered pests that cannot be eradicated, can we accept their existence through a change of mindset? This is probably the most marginal and unpopular form of multispecies mindset. Mr. Haque admitted that he was unable to do so for the time being. And it might be necessary to provide the answer here: neither can I. But still I can't help but imagine: is it possible to use the methods of design to actively change our stereotypical relationship with pests? This became the starting point for the project, and the discussion happened within extends far beyond.

Bon Appétit, media item 1

Story 1. Anthropocentric multispecies mindset:

An Opener is a type of cutlery used in the year 2049, to cut the abdomen of cockroaches. Once opened, the liposome* of a cockroach is exposed and can be seasoned for a protein rich meal.

The Opener is delicate, cold, and somewhat resembles a surgical instrument. Diners are required to be patient, determined and confident in order to operate this appalling cutting tool with precision.

It is just... elegant.

Under the Same Roof, media item 1

Story 2. Ecocentric multispecies Mindset

Lo, the Sun: Imagine! Maybe in 2049 we will no longer see cockroaches as pests, not pets. We no longer need to breed them in terrarium. We have walls, ceilings, even a chair filled with sheets made of chitin, a cohabitation relationship...

Lo, the Brighter Sun: Bullshit. How could anyone want to do something like that, I'd rather eat them than living with... That's just disgusting.

Lo, the Sun: I don't know. I think this society, our culture, even the ideology, should be full of fluidity. We'll see...

But until then, you're right.

I am a simple one with simple mind.

Degree Details

School of CommunicationInformation Experience Design (MA)RCA2023 at Battersea and Kensington

RCA Kensington, Darwin Building, Upper-ground floor

Lo, the Sun & Brighter Sun

In the summer of 2022, Usman Haque, the designer involved in Re:Wild Royal Docks, asked the question to a few of us graduating students: since rats and cockroaches are considered pests that cannot be eradicated, can we accept their existence through a change of mindset?

This is probably the most marginal and unpopular form of multispecies mindset. Mr. Haque admitted that he was unable to do so for the time being. And it might be necessary to provide the answer here: neither can I.

But still I can't help but imagine: is it possible to use the methods of design to actively change our stereotypical relationship with pests?

This became the starting point for the project, and the discussion happened within extends far beyond.

Darren Mann

Huge appreciation to Mr. Darren Mann from Oxford University Museum of Natural History for his generous sharing of knowledge.