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Visual Communication (MA)

Jingyi Ma

Jingyi Ma, b.1999, China

Jingyi Ma is a visual artist, who graduated from the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, Shenyang, and is currently studying an MA in Visual Communication and Experimental Communication at Royal College of Art, London. 

She is currently wandering between graphic design and experimental video.

Expecting interesting things to happen in life every day and still passionate about the world. 


This project delves into a profound exploration of the intricate dynamics within the intimate relationships and family bonds between young women and their fathers in traditional Chinese culture. The focus is on the author’s personal experiences, reflections, and complexities of growing up within the context of the traditional Chinese father-daughter relationship. This relationship is characterized by a delicate balance between intimacy and unease, where moments of awkwardness often outweigh true closeness.

Additionally, this project serves as an interpretation of a poem created by the author titled ‘Only The Perspective of the Tree’. Through this artistic expression, the project raises thought-provoking questions regarding the boundaries of intimacy within the father-daughter relationship. It acknowledges that every family has its own unique challenges and struggles within this dynamic, highlighting the variability that exists within these relationships. It is important to note that this project does not claim to provide definitive answers; rather, it seeks to evoke contemplation and exploration.

Within these relationships, love can be entangled with emotions such as anger, incomprehension, and even disgust. However, despite these complexities, the underlying foundation remains love.

My video is divided into two parts. The first part portrays the nuanced relationship between father and daughter in traditional Chinese culture through the act of sharing a meal. The second part utilizes performance and dance to express the daughter's emotions and experiences in their interactions.



