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Environmental Architecture (MA)

Jiaheng Xu

"A photograph showing a farm vehicle in action, actively spraying pesticides over an olive grove."

This project delves into the intricate relationship between human actions and the environment through two distinct parts. The first part employs a video-based approach, taking the olive plantations in the Beja region as a case study. Through interviews with plantation owners and residents, it unveils issues associated with the excessive use of chemical agents and the definition of "pests". This segment aims to provoke contemplation on human behaviours of controlling the population of certain organisms for economic gain, which subsequently leads to environmental issues such as biodiversity loss, soil salinization, groundwater contamination, population displacement, and the exacerbation of extreme weather events.

The second part adopts the perspective of insects, vividly illustrating their living environment and daily life, such as evading predators, enduring rainy scenarios, and flying in the woods. This unique and engaging approach allows the audience to understand the world of insects and reflect on human actions’ implications on the ecosystem.

The project, by directly addressing the destruction of nature due to human activities, aims to stimulate public thought on environmental issues and foster awareness towards our ecosystems. Through the fusion of storytelling and an empathetic view into the life of often misunderstood organisms, this project poses a pressing inquiry into our environmental stewardship.

Spraying and changes in olive plantation area with year2018 年,该地区拥有大量橄榄园,其中 37% 被归类为高密度和超高密度橄榄种植园,尤其是在 Alqueva 大坝的灌溉范围内(EDIA,2019)。 这表示三年增长了约 19%。 结合该地点的位置,Villa Romana de Pisoes,可以勾勒出其密集的橄榄种植园的扩张。 结合现场拍摄的喷洒农药的视频,很明显,种植橄榄树的地区会受到农药的影响。
SparyingAnimated display of an entire olive grove affected by pesticide spraying
 the range of activities of bats
The natural enemy of moths - the range of activities of batsBats capture a large portion of the insects dwelling in olive groves, including the olive moth. Chemicals, once in the body of a creature, are known to exhibit biomagnification, meaning their concentrations increase higher up the food chain. As one of the apex predators in the modern, densely planted olive groves, these toxins ultimately accumulate in bats. This phenomenon is known as biomagnification. Taking into account the bats' living radius (10km), and the planting area of the olive trees, it's evident