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Ceramics & Glass (MA)

Jan Nardini

Jan is interested in making sculptures for interiors which create intrigue and joy. She has come to ceramics and glass from a background in fine art and a career in advanced technology. Fascinated by the medium of clay, she completed a BA in Ceramic Design at Central Saint Martin’s (University of the Arts London) with distinction. She has worked internationally throughout her career and takes a deep interest in cross- cultural influences and how these are reflected in creative expression. Studying at the RCA has enabled Jan to combine the visual language of ceramics and glass.

Jan is based in Oxfordshire and is influenced by the natural world. She enjoys exploring locations to extract ‘wild’ clay for her works. Her current series is influenced by her interest in caves, the geology of rocks and ceramic materials from the Peak District, formed underground over millions of years.

.She believes that, over the centuries, ceramics has been key to the formation of societies as well as reflecting cultural identity.

Degree Details

School of Arts & HumanitiesCeramics & Glass (MA)RCA2023 at Truman Brewery

Truman Brewery, F Block, Ground, first and second floors

'Dancing Rock' from Peak District, England. 
Material: Parian Porcelain
Size: 20cm x 15cm

Jan’s collection of work centres around rocks inspired by the geology and landscape of the north of England. Millions of years ago, when the earth’s plates across Asia, Europe and Africa collided, they formed land -mass and mesmerising rock formations in caves and above ground.

Rocks are symbolic of strength yet fragile and unpredictable. From precious minerals to boulders, rocks contain the DNA of their journey of formation.

Jan has slip- cast rocks from the Peak District in fine translucent Parian porcelain. These jar against monumental extruded sculptural forms are reminiscent of towering mine shafts. They are an ode to lives dedicated to working underground. Interior furniture in the form of small decorative side tables evoke the undulations of the landscape and underground labyrinths.

Rocks and the DNA of Life
Rock MysteriesParian Porcelain and Glass


Parian Porcelain and Glass


10cm x 15cm
Rock and Humankind
Rock MysteryCut Cast Rock and Stoneware column
What's in a Rock
Rock MysteryParian Porcelain Casts. Glass casting


Parian Porcelain and Stoneware


c25 x 15
Hollow Solidarity
Dancing RocksDancing Rock sculptures convey the dancing vibrant movements involved in the formation of rocks. Wild clay was dug from deep down in the underground caverns creating a spectacle of rocks waltzing to the movement of the earth over millions of years.
Dancing Rocks
Dancing Rocks TriptychDancing Rock Triptych is a sculpture celebrating the vibrancy and mystery of rocks found in the deep mined caverns. Plates of the earth from what are now land mass in Asia, Africa and Europe moved to form the caverns in the Peak District.
Rock On Interiors
Rock On Side Table with Dancing RocksRock On Side Table 2023. Decorative interior small table. Stoneware
What's in a Rock?
Rock Resting on Rock On Side Table Cast Parian Rock resting on Rock on Decorative Side Table. What's in a Rock?


Parian Porcelain and Stoneware


c50 x 40 cm
Blue John
Blue John Rock on StonewareBlue John stones are unique to the Peak District where Trek Cliff Caverns are located.
Rock Formations
Hollow SolidsSpaces creative the mystery and beauty between rock forms. Two Rock On Decorative Side Tables - unglazed.
Glass Casting
Art of the ProcessWhen the Process becomes an Art Form. Flower Pots are used in the Kiln to cast the glass into the Parian Porcelain Rocks. The thermal shock of glass melting into the forms poses many challenges. The flower pot bases have been sanded down to create repurposed table top decorations/mats.
Raw Parian Rock Cast - GlassParian Rock cast with glass. Raw state from the kiln


Parian Porcelain and Stoneware