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Service Design (MA)

Oliver Haoyin Yin

Nowadays, Genz is at a life crossroads. The final year before graduation is tough, particularly during their internship period. Many of them started their careers in fractured hybrid or remote work environments at the height of the pandemic. They’re in an experimental phase where they’re still figuring out what they want out of a job. But they’re more passionate about finding a working model that aligns with their personal values, and they want to live to work and not work to live.

While previous generations have accepted the 9-5 as a necessary evil, and even glorified the cult of productivity, GenZ is quietly quitting, pushing back, and searching for new modes of work that won’t leave them overworked and unfulfilled. And that’s where digital nomadism comes in. The opportunity to work wherever you want, all while massively improving your work/life balance, which perfectly suits the ideas of many Genz entering the workforce. 

「D-Nómads GO」is inspired by the game Pokémon GO, which encourages Genz to just leave for their pale and powerless 9-5 work style. This project aims to provide Genz who are in their final year of internship stage before graduation with a real experience of tasting digital nomads, embracing the whole world, expanding networking resources, developing independent ability, gaining an unbeatable advantage and finding your satisfying future working model. This time, you can take charge of your future career!

Known as HoNgan Van

"Use service design as a force for change, Go back to where we were..."

At the very beginning, I shot a documentary called The Current Situation of Elderly People in China in 2022. During the interview, I noticed that some of them were homosexuals. They have no children, no accompany and only have to live in the nursing home. From that moment, I realised that service design could be the appropriate approach to address these social issues, and that's why I am studying here at RCA.

Hey, finally you find me! I'm a cross-disciplinary creative practitioner with five years of experience in the design and communication industry. I respectively worked as a marketing intern at Mercer, a digital marketing strategist intern at Nissin Food Products, a designer at Yuanzhu Real Estate and so on. Nowadays, I focus more on Future Finance, Digital Services, Service Future and Digital Nomads. Service design at RCA goes beyond traditional design approaches and encompasses a holistic understanding of complex systems, user experiences, and societal implications, which provides me with a solid foundation, valuable industry connections, and a unique design perspective, setting me up for a successful career in the field.


MA Service Design, Royal College of Art 2022-2023

BA TV Cameraing, Communication University of Zhejiang 2018-2022

Minor Education, Open University of The University of JYVÄSKYLÄ  June 2022

Researcher on Human Rights&Computation, University of the Arts London March-May 2022


The 4th Hong Kong Contemporary Design Award Bronze Star

The Spain ROCA Graphic and Spatial Design Award Bronze Star

The 2nd G-CROSS Creative Award Silver Star

Britain International Creative Competition Bronze Star                                         

The 6th Environment Protection Art Creation Contest Bronze Star                               

British Ecology Design Award Bronze Star


D-Nómads GO, is a service that corporates with Virtual Internship and Bright Networking which provides Genz (who are in their final year at the internship stage before graduation) virtual internship opportunities while having a taste of experiencing digital nomads, to figure out what they want out of a job and make an appropriate decision on their future work.

This project is still Working In Progress :) Coming Soon

Genz is working on their terms
Genz's paradigm shift to working
Perfect match
Problem Statement
How might we
Trailers「D-Nómads GO」


This is the two-week exercise Ice Breaker project corporates with the company Human Forest, which aims at different dimensions:

Break the ice of working remotely. Break the ice of working collaboratively. Break the ice of engaging with people. Break the ice of the building and express a point of view. Break the ice of playing with tools. About understanding a service, building a point of view and telling a story about how this service is helping someone achieve their goals. 


Imperial Challenge Competition & RCA

Imperial College Business School & RCA Service Design

Theme: Smart drones for urban applications

Our specific focus is to develop tools and technologies to assist in the integration of drones into the urban environment. Work directly with scientists and MBA students in interdisciplinary activities. Be introduced to techniques to accelerate Deep Science and Deep technology projects that are many years away from commercialisation. Discover new applications for the technology, Create multiple propositions and + understand stakeholders, Create speculative prototypes, Develop experimentation plans to de-risk investment, and Explore ’moonshot’ and speculative design techniques. Learn about how ‘Deep Tech’ innovation happens. Focus on advancing Deep Tech projects to a stage where they can be taken over for further development with more conventional innovation techniques such as Design Thinking and Lean Entrepreneurship.
