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Painting (MA)

Hannah Petrioli

Hannah Petrioli

b. 1986, London, UK

2022-2023, MA Painting, Royal College of Art, London

2009-2012, BA Sculpture, UAL Wimbledon College of Art, London

Degree Details

School of Arts & HumanitiesPainting (MA)RCA2023 at Battersea and Kensington

RCA Battersea, Painting Building, First and second floors

female artist Hannah sitting on a chair in front of three of her paintings which are rested against the wall.

Each painting is my way of digesting a landscape, not depicting it but the feeling of it. The surface of the canvas becomes a place to build layers, layers of experiences through encounters with changing landscapes but also influenced by colour, texture and the feeling of temperature.

The surface of the work becomes a place where I am rewilding the painting as if its, its own ecosystem.

I confront the material like an alchemist experimenting and anticipating how each component will connect or disconnect.

Thinking about the detrimental effect humans have had on our planet, I embody that notion for a moment where I interfere with the landscape, experimenting with material to erode, scratch or decay the marks that were inspired by mother nature to a point of fragility.

Taking away boundaries by seeing the body and landscape as one, each wound and mark becomes an intangible connection between nature and ourselves.

Exploring themes of resilience the painting is allowed to take its own course.

Fighting the urge to create something aesthetically pleasing the painting leads .

Using plaster bandages I repair the balance to create an optimal state where each mark makes sense with one another.

Intervention and rewilding play together enabling a dialogue exploring themes of new life, fragility and rhythms in nature

Questioning the perception of both landscape and painting

blue cream white painting layered and textural dream like qualities
close up blue cream white painting layered and textural dream like qualities


Oil, charcoal, plaster on canvas


100 x 100 cm
organic colours bleeding into each other through a buildup of plaster and charcoal
peach, skin tones with blue seeping through the middle


Oil, charcoal, plaster on canvas


100 x 100 cm
earth like tones with plaster with a depiction of a river like formation cascading at the middle of the painting
close up of the river like formation cascading at the middle of the painting
close up of the river like formation cascading at the middle of the painting
close up of the river like formation cascading at the middle of the painting
close up of the river like formation cascading at the middle of the painting


Oil Charcoal and plaster on canvas


200 x 200 cm
build up of texture with sculptural materials. Shades of pink and ochre. Rubber textures
Before women gardened for beauty they gardened to heal.
pinks and ambers built up in a small painting that could be a landscape or could be a body
textural painting with nude skin colours and charcoal lines


Wax, soil, latex, plaster, charcoal, oil on canvas


72 x 102 cm
expressive painting with layers of plaster skin colour tones with reds running through surrounded in blue
flesh tones with layers of plaster


Oil, charcoal and plaster on wood


100 x 180 cm
dark blue with bright reds with a central feature of plaster.
dark dark blue with vibrent red with a build up of plaster in the middle


oil, paster and charcoal on canvas


120 x 150 cm
white skin colour, textural with darker tones coming through with burnt amber and charcoal holes.
I'd held on to the notion of breaking ground since the beginning of all this, of gardening as rebellion and of making change. Ground can be broken from above with the blunt edge of a spade or the swinging thud of a mattock, but I tended to picture it from below; the gentle, determined force that pushed the curved neck of a seedling stem through the soil above.
burnt ambers seeping through to a very light pink flesh tones
It was a power that always impressed and surprised me, that emergence of life and potential from the earth. Why women grow.


Oil, soil, latex, wax, plaster, charcoal and chalk on canvas


150 x 180 cm
reds, flesh, charcoal hole seeping throuh a canvas
flesh textures with charcoal holes and drips of paint
textural skin colours with charcoal
latex type texture with warm tones


Oil, charcoal, plaster, wax, latex and soil


150 x 180 cm
landscape work, very textural, burnt amber with blues and charcoal coming through from the background
close up of texture, chalk, charcoal
chalk, burnt amber landscape with blue tones


Soil, oil, latex, wax, marble dust plaster, charcoal and chalk on canvas


150 x 180 cm
what looks like skin, with darker tones seeping through
a close up on a painting which looks like skin with charcoal lines and gestural drawing


Oil, Plaster, Jute, charcoal on canvas


100 x 120 cm