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Environmental Architecture (MA)

Han Jiang

The Portuguese government is adopting a policy of supporting intensive farming on a large scale, which has led to the deprivation of land in nearly 100 villages in the Alentjo region for intensive industrial development in the last 10 years. The rapid expansion of the planting area inevitably leads to an excessive application of chemical fertilisers, which are not fully absorbed by the plant roots and remain in the soil over time, slowly penetrating into the groundwater and bringing about extensive nitrate pollution, which undoubtedly threatens the drinking water health of the local population.

I therefore focused my research on a village that is significantly stressed by intensive olive cultivation and where the inhabitants rely on a special fountain for their daily water supply, which is naturally formed due to the difference in the water table. By testing its water samples, I found that nitrate levels were significantly higher than the maximum standard set by the European Union for drinking water and that the consequences of letting this phenomenon go unchecked would be dire.

By focusing on the impact of intensive olive cultivation on local drinking water, the project aims to draw attention to the extent and depth of the encroachment of olive cultivation on the environment, and the fact that this uncontrolled expansion is endangering the basic rights of the local population, and that the carrying capacity of the environment seems to have reached a critical threshold.

Posters designed to suit architectural forms

The project is promoted locally by means of posters that villagers can scan to view documents and videos. The documents show: the dangers and severity of nitrate pollution. This is done from an experimental and scientific point of view. The video shows the far-reaching impact of intensive farming on the environment, showing the encroachment of intensive farming on village land over the years, the exploitation of the soil and the resulting loss of population. It makes more people think about the relationship between the environment and human existence.

The fountain of village
It is a naturally occurring fountain from which most of the village's inhabitants get their daily source of drinking water. It has a long history.
Sound recording
We tried to record the sounds of the village, including the river, the noise, and all the natural and unnatural sounds
Water source testing
Water source testingWe monitored local water sources and found billable levels of nitrates




Introduction to the nitrate experiment process
Nitrate experimentDifferent concentrations of nitrate solutions were prepared, 1: water, 2: 75mg/l, 3: 150mg/l and 4: 225mg/l. Equal doses were poured into four pots and the changes in the four plants were recorded over a period of 12 days. Exploring the effects of different concentrations of nitrate on health hazards




Poster on nitrate pollution
Poster on nitrate pollutionThe use of local elements that cause nitrate pollution such as intensive farming, pesticide trucks. and contaminated elemental fountains, drinking water sources. The main inspiration for the design is the seriousness of the water pollution
Nitrate pollution control brochureThrough presentations and experiments on the dangers and contamination of nitrates, the local population is made more aware of the serious problem of drinking water contamination caused by intensification.




3d model of a village scene
3d model of a village sceneThe river is clear and wide. Both sides are covered with greenery
1995 3d model of a local river
River 3d model (2023)The river is clear and wide. Both sides are covered with greenery
River 3d model (2023)
River 3d model (2023)Due to intensive cultivation the river has become narrow and dry with a lot of dead and yellow vegetation

