Fan is a textile designer exploring the field of artistic healing and self-expression. She uses fabrics as a tool and medium for linking the world. Cotton, linen, silk and wool are traditional textile materials that help people get in touch with the real world. Their texture is diverse and fascinating. She considers the process of making textiles as a meditative one.
In the process of embroidering or weaving, it is as if she and the materials are the only ones in the world and can block out anxiety and worry.When fan was unsettled by unfamiliar surroundings, she liked to ease her anxiety by doing some crafts in her own space, creating a pleasant and secure environment with fabrics.
During her studies at the RCA, she experimented with keeping an emotional diary and has been exploring how weaving can be applied to the art therapy. fan believes that fabrics heal her emotions and that the emotional connection she creates with them is like that of a friend.
As well as healing herself, Fan hopes to introduce the medium of fabric to bring healing to everyone.