b.1998, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Lives and works in London.
2023 - MA Painting, Royal College of Art
2021 - BA (Hons) Fine Art , Cambridge School of Art
b.1998, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Lives and works in London.
2023 - MA Painting, Royal College of Art
2021 - BA (Hons) Fine Art , Cambridge School of Art
‘Blue allows me to see and feel beyond, an opening or gateway into an alternate space’
Through exploring how the physical nature of space and paint coincide, I map the social and material constitution of space and time. Often working in series, I maintain the same format through built-up planes of blue. The paintings hold a type of tension, a push-and-pull where edges meet, lines blur and access to the previous layer is revealed, which plays out in different ways, with depth and flatness appearing in different forms. I utilise fragments of geometric shapes and architectonic structures within my immediate urban surroundings.
The properties of the painting alter depending on the quality and type of ground, my location and the location of the paintings which dictate the construction of the space. How the spatial parameters operate inside and outside of the paintings becomes important.