Experimental Animation

The Experimental Animation graduates visualise the developmental processes of their creative and critical thinking through making, research skills and expanded discipline expertise. In this year's works, students are challenging the boundaries of traditional animation and moving image in their practice in aesthetic expression, variation on (non-)narrative forms and representation. Artistic media in this year’s graduates’ works range from the olfactory qualities of burnt organic materials to highly refined digital creations that originate in physical performance and environmental sculpture. Others pursue interests in exploring analogue media, alternate screen platforms, sound sculpture, adventures in perception or installation and exhibition. Some engage with AI-generated imagery, explore architecture or adress important contemporary issues of our times through personal experience or speculative and imagined 'worlds', others treat love, loss and regret with sensitivity.
Whether abstraction, the visualising of poetry, music or philosophy, fine art practice or musical and aural collaboration, our students on the Experimental Pathway push the boundaries of what is nominally understood as ‘animation’.