Documentary Animation

The Documentary Animation pathway engages with fast-growing documentary practices involving animation and other forms of image fabrication. The students' works fuse animation and non-fiction storytelling with documentary approaches, forms and questions about representing, engaging with and expanding the limitations of the real, often by visually documenting unseen experiences through various animation techniques. Explorations in Documentary Animation may consider non-linear engagement, informational narratives, archival documentation, and observational approaches and methods. All these can work across multiple platforms and technologies. This year's graduates’ practices are built on a ground of interrogation and making, through contextual and critical thinking, demonstrating sensitivity to their very human subject matters and self-reflexive observations of the everyday. They are critically aware of issues of documentary representation, and expand their often collaborative practice within and beyond the School of Communication.
Explorations in Documentary Animation may be based on archival resources, engender non-linear engagement, offer historical clarifications or take speculative, corrective, personal or informational approaches to their subjects. Their works tread the line between fiction and non-fiction, exploding expectations which often accompany animated film. As with our other pathways, the Documentary Animation students’ practice is built on a ground of interrogation and making, through contextual and critical thinking, and they expand their often collaborative practice within and beyond the School of Communication and College.