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Jewellery & Metal (MA)

Yijia He

Yijia He is a jewellery designer from China based in London, She is currently pursuing a Masters degree in Jewellery & Metal at the Royal College of Art and holds a Bachelor's degree in Jewellery Design from Sheffield Hallam University.

Yijia He employs a creative and strategic approach of displacement, reconstruction, and visual puns to detach objects from their traditional uses and meanings, thereby altering their relationship with these functional items. By stripping these objects of their inherent functionality, they can be freely examined within different narratives. She hopes that her work s can express specific issues in life in an amusing manner.

Degree Details

School of Arts & HumanitiesJewellery & Metal (MA)RCA2023 at Battersea and Kensington

RCA Battersea, Woo Building, First and third floors

Parasocial relationships: Borderline-pathological.Uncontrollable behaviours /fantasies.

Contemporary artist Yijia He exhibits a profound interest in various forms of interpersonal relationships. Yija uses motifs commonly used in lover's eye jewellery from the 19th century during the Victorian era as a primary element to explore three different and distinct types of modern relationships in contemporary life. Through her creations of contemporary ‘lover's eye’ jewellery, Yija explores three themes: crushes, celebrity obsessions, and narcissistic self-love

In the current era of technological advancements, the prevalence of dating apps has led people to have less time for long-lasting and mutually committed relationships, resulting in a tendency to easily fall into transient infatuations (crushes). Thus, Yijia He deconstructs the traditional materials and motifs of lover's eye jewellery to make a brooch that offers interchangeable eye components; these interchangeable eye components symbolise the ephemeral and fragile nature of present-day fast-food-like love.

The widespread phenomenon of celebrity worship, particularly prominent in Asia, provides solace to individuals. However, excessive idolisation also fosters obsessive behaviours. As a celebrity crush enthusiast, Yijia He has experienced her own moments of celebrity idolisation. Nevertheless, she has eventually realised that the relationship between fans and celebrities is one-sided and fragile. Although such a connection may offer fleeting beauty, it will fade away. Whilst lover's eye jewellery traditionally signifies enduring love and profound emotional connections, Yijia He’s collection of contemporary lover’s eye jewellery represents the vulnerability inherent in celebrity adoration, reminding us of the stark contrast between real love and celebrity adoration.

When exploring intimate connections through lover's eye jewellery, Yijia He finds that the most intimate relationship is not with others but with oneself. Consequently, she designs lover's eye jewellery that reflects the wearer's eyes; this reflection serves to remind us to be wary of the narcissistic relationship.

Yijia He's jewellery showcases profound insights into contemporary interpersonal relationships and acute observations of social phenomena. Through exquisite craftsmanship and a unique artistic approach, she seamlessly blends motifs from 19th-century lover's eye jewellery into a contemporary context. By imbuing lover's eye jewellery with new meanings and functions, her work allows for free interpretation within various contemporary narratives. Yijia expresses different modern relationships in an interesting way. She invites the audience to actively participate in the work, breaks cultural constraints, and conveys the concept to the audience. In her creative process, Yija breaks free from the constraints and expectations of only using traditional jewellery materials and explores the possibilities of everyday materials to reflect her creative thinking and critical analysis.

Entertainment-social relationships means fans are attracted to a certain celebrity because they are entertained.
Entertainment-socialEntertainment-social relationships means fans are attracted to a certain celebrity because they are entertained, and the celebrity is a source of social interaction and gossip among their peers. In the Entertainment-social series, I have used bubbles as the main design element. The bubble itself is an interactive object that people will unconsciously play with and interact with.
Entertainment-social relationships means fans are attracted to a certain celebrity because they are entertained.
Intense-personal:Intensive feelings towards celebrity
Intense-personalThe bubble stack out of silver and polish it so that it would look like a mirror. When you look at the star in the lover's eye jewellery, the bubbles next to it will simultaneously reflect the monstrous you and lose yourself in intense celebrity worship.
Intense-personal:Intensive feelings towards celebrity
Borderline-pathological Uncontrollable fantasies
Borderline-pathologicalBorderline-Pathological,This level of intensity is evident in ‘stalker fans’. It is characterized by uncontrollable behaviors and fantasies about their celebrities, many times bordering on delusion. The crazed fan will collect everything about the star. Open the locket and discover the secrets deep inside the hearts of crazy fans.
Borderline-pathological Uncontrollable fantasies
It is easy to fall in love, can replace the lover's eye jewelry of the lover.
Crushes In the current era of technological advancements, the prevalence of dating apps has led people to have less time for long-lasting and mutually committed relationships, resulting in a tendency to easily fall into transient infatuations (crushes). Thus, Yijia He deconstructs the traditional materials and motifs of lover's eye jewellery to make a brooch that offers interchangeable eye components; these interchangeable eye components symbolise the ephemeral and fragile nature of present-day fast-food-like love.
It is easy to fall in love, can replace the lover's eye jewelry of the lover.
It is easy to fall in love, can replace the lover's eye jewelry of the lover.


pearl, silver, paper


Exploring intimate connections through lover's eye jewellery.
NarcissismWhen exploring intimate connections through lover's eye jewellery, Yijia He finds that the most intimate relationship is not with others but with oneself. Consequently, she designs lover's eye jewellery that reflects the wearer's eyes; this reflection serves to remind us to be wary of the narcissistic relationship.
Exploring intimate connections through lover's eye jewellery.
Exploring intimate connections through lover's eye jewellery.
lover's eye jewellery made of soap, which melts easily, represents a fragile relationship.
Melting lover's eye jewellery made of soap, which melts easily, represents a fragile relationship.

