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Contemporary Art Practice (MA)

Melody Yat-Wan Chan

Melody Chan is an interdisciplinary artist and mathematics teacher who resides in London, Macau, and Hong Kong. Multifaceted background and experiences contribute to her ability to view the world from various perspectives, fostering a unique approach to her artistic practice.

With a BA in Visual Art and BSc in Mathematics, Melody is now holding an MA in Contemporary Art Practice from the RCA, London. She has gone on to contemplate the intersections of art, logic, and the human experience, creating a thought-provoking dialogue that transcends boundaries.

Melody was the first-prize winner of the Macao Orient Foundation Art Award in 2021. Received the Merit Scholarship from the Macao Education and Youth Development Bureau and the Macao Foundation Scholarship from Macao Polytechnic University in 2022. Past exhibitions and projects include 'Tate Modern Late' at the London Tate Modern and 'Sic Bo' at The Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art and Planning Exhibition, among others. 

Artist Website:


(My Profile Pic)

Art is the emotional expression of personality and spirit.

I approach the creation of art with an intuitive and iterative process, drawing inspiration from scientific methodology while embracing the rigour of mathematical analysis cultivated over time. By observing human behaviour, asking generative questions, and analyzing information, I combine logical and scientific elements to express my spiritual quest and sense of life.

I firmly believe that the objective rationality pursued by science and the persistence in seeking the truth are essential to the humanistic spirit. 



Bronze as a Mirror reflects one's appearance; History as a Mirror reveals the rise and fall.

Old Book of Tang, Biography of Wei Zheng' From 941 A.D., China.

More detailed description:

“Chinese Magic Mirror” that reflects the Friedman equation under specific conditions.
“Chinese Magic Mirror” that reflects the Friedman equation under specific conditions.
“Chinese Magic Mirror” that reflects the Friedman equation under specific conditions.
“Chinese Magic Mirror” that reflects the Friedman equation under specific conditions.
“Chinese Magic Mirror” that reflects the Friedman equation under specific conditions.
“Chinese Magic Mirror” that reflects the Friedman equation under specific conditions.
“Chinese Magic Mirror” that reflects the Friedman equation under specific conditions.
“Chinese Magic Mirror” that reflects the Friedman equation under specific conditions.
“Chinese Magic Mirror” that reflects the Friedman equation under specific conditions.
The Tang Dynasty mirror (唐代日月星辰五嶽生肖八卦鏡)
The Tang Dynasty mirror (唐代日月星辰五嶽生肖八卦鏡)鏡外圓內方,象徵天圓地方;山紋鈕結合四周四連山紋象徵五嶽;鐫刻十六字應跳讀為:「天地含象,日月貞明,寫規萬物,洞鑑百靈。」意指此道家法鏡可容天地萬物;外周的鑲飾波紋則摹繪四瀆;四方山水與天地眾神皆置於方形八卦之內,八卦以文王八卦排列:乾位於西北,坤位西南,南離北坎,震東兌西,艮、巽分置東北、東南。八卦外分置日月星辰。
“Chinese Magic Mirror” that reflects the Friedman equation under specific conditions.



Parameter k in the Friedmann equation

Scientific Explanation


Pic: 'The Mystery of the Millennium Mirror,' Civilization and Creation, Youtube.
Pic: 'The Mystery of the Millennium Mirror,' Civilization and Creation, Youtube.
Pic: S. Mak, D. Yip, Secrets of the Chinese magic mirror replica, Published 1 March 2001 Physics Physics Education.
Pic: S. Mak, D. Yip, Secrets of the Chinese magic mirror replica, Published 1 March 2001 Physics Physics Education.

Bronze as Mirror

Mirrors in Chinese culture symbolize cleanliness, brightness, and the reflection of a true image. They are regarded as tools that can reflect a person's inner qualities and spiritual state.

I entrusted the Chinese intangible cultural heritage inheritors as the fabricator to create a unique artwork using an extraordinary traditional craftsmanship. We crafted a “Chinese magic mirror” that reflects the Friedman equation under specific conditions, through the medium of light in created an artwork that encompasses light, shadows, and spatial dimensions.

Chinese magic mirror (透光鏡)

In traditional Chinese rituals, mirrors are regarded as sacred objects or ceremonial tools, serving as a means of communication between humans and deities. Ancient people believed that one could glimpse the future or receive revelations through mirrors. The Chinese magic mirror, a special mirror crafted with astonishing craftsmanship in ancient China, appears no different from an ordinary mirror in general. However, in specific circumstances, it can project hidden messages from within (This technique can be traced back to the Western Han Dynasty 202 BC - 195 BC, whose optical principle was not deciphered until 1932). Therefore, during the Edo period (1603-1867), the Chinese magic mirror also became a tool used by Japanese Christians to conceal their identity and secretly worship under religious prohibitions.

The Tang Dynasty mirror (唐代日月星辰五嶽生肖八卦鏡)

The backside of this mirror features a reproduction of the famous Tang Dynasty (618-690, 705-907) mirror. It encompasses the key concepts of Daoism, including the belief in a round sky and square earth, the celestial bodies of the sun, moon, and stars, the five sacred mountains(五嶽) and four great rivers(四瀆), the Chinese zodiac(生肖) and the Eight Trigrams(八卦). These contents reflect the ancient Chinese's philosophical ideas and understanding of the world in relation to astronomy, geography, and humanity. Daoism considers the mirror as capable of "reflecting the prototypes of demons and spirits," making the bronze mirror also a ritual object in Daoism.

Friedman equation

The Friedman equation, based on the principles of relativity, is used in cosmology to derive the history of the universe's expansion, speculate about the origin of the universe, and predict its future. Nearly one hundred years after the publication of Alexander Friedmann's most renowned work, Friedman equations have been expanded to encompass a Universe characterized by an inflationary origin, dark matter, neutrinos, and dark energy. When k = -1, the equation assumes an 'open universe' as a premise, predicting and discussing the future development of the cosmos.

Multiple layers of meaning and concerns

Interweaving and relative, reconstruction and coexistence. This artwork represents my contemplation of identity and belonging as an international student during my study abroad. It encompasses multiple layers of meaning and concerns.

The primary layer of meaning in the artwork is my concern for the destiny of my own people. By using the symbolic and sacred tools of rituals, I have chosen light as a medium to project a potential revelation and vision for the future (the universe). As a Chinese artist, I sincerely hope that my fellow compatriots, while carrying the abundant cultural heritage, can embark on a future (the universe) that is characterized by rationality, truth-seeking, and openness to light. 

The second layer of meaning in the artwork focuses on how humanity, throughout ancient and modern civilizations, has sought to understand the universe and our place within it. The artwork's significance encompasses the journey from traditional craftsmanship to mythology, rituals, ancient philosophy, religion, religious and political persecution, and modern physics (cosmology). Thus, from the mirror surface to the walls, the light rays serve as a metaphorical timeline, reflecting the evolving human understanding of the existing universe across different eras.

Mirrors serve not only as instruments for personal grooming but also as manifestations of desires, thoughts, and spiritual realms.

As for the deeper layers of meaning, they are related to or in response to my nation's recent social development.

While I am unable to explain them here explicitly, I can provide some insights for the audience to contemplate and reflect upon.

1. During the Edo period in Japan, the Chinese magic mirror served as a tool for Christians to conceal their identity and confirm their faith in the face of religious and political persecution.

2. Although the surface appears blank or empty, it holds content and messages within.

3. Approximate pronunciation of the Friedmann equation.

4. In tradition, mirrors have also been used to communicate with and commemorate those departed spirits.



筆者妥托中國非物質文化遺產傳承人為製造商,以傳統技術打造一面能夠映照傅里德曼方程(Friedmann equation)在特定前設下的透光鏡,創造一個光影與場域的藝術作品。 


在中國傳統祭祀中,鏡被視為神聖的物品或儀式工具,作為人與神明交流的媒介。古人相信,人能夠從鏡中看見未來或得到啟示。透光鏡是一種以青銅鑄造的特殊鏡子、一項古代驚人的成就。它雖與一般的鏡子無異,唯獨在特定的條件下,鏡面能夠投影出隱藏在內的訊息(此技術最早可見於西漢時代 (公元前202年-前195年),其光學原理直至1932年才被解開)。因此在江戶時代(1603年-1867年)透光鏡亦成為日本基督徒在宗教禁令下隱藏身份和秘密禮拜的工具。



傅里德曼方程 (Friedman equation)

傅里德曼方程以相對論為基礎,於宇宙學中用以推測宇宙的起源、膨脹的歷史和預測宇宙的未來等。在Alexander Friedmann發表近一個世紀後,傅里德曼方程已經擴展到包括具有膨脹起源、暗物質、中微子和暗能量的宇宙中。而當k = - 1時,方程以「開放性宇宙」為前設推導宇宙的命運。






“Chinese Magic Mirror” that reflects the Friedman equation under specific conditions.
Fabricator: Chinese intangible cultural heritage inheritors
Fabricator: Chinese intangible cultural heritage inheritors


Light, Bronze


Size Variable (Mirror Diameter: 13 cm)
One to One Art Live Performance 'Decode the Braille by touch' at Tate Modern.
One to One Art Live Performance 'Decode the Braille by touch' at Tate Modern.
One to One Art Live Performance 'Decode the Braille by touch' at Tate Modern.
One to One Art Live Performance 'Decode the Braille by touch' at Tate Modern.
One to One Art Live Performance 'Decode the Braille by touch' at Tate Modern.
One to One Art Live Performance 'Decode the Braille by touch' at Tate Modern.
One to One Art Live Performance 'Decode the Braille by touch' at Tate Modern.
One to One Art Live Performance 'Decode the Braille by touch' at Tate Modern.
One to One Art Live Performance 'Decode the Braille by touch' at Tate Modern.
One to One Art Live Performance 'Decode the Braille by touch' at Tate Modern.
One to One Art Live Performance 'Decode the Braille by touch' at Tate Modern.
One to One Art Live Performance 'Decode the Braille by touch' at Tate Modern.
One to One Art Live Performance 'Decode the Braille by touch' at Tate Modern.
One to One Art Live Performance 'Decode the Braille by touch' at Tate Modern.

One to One Art Live Performance 'Decode the Braille by touch' at Tate Modern. 

As part of the Royal College of Art CAP Festival x Tate Modern Lates event 'Beyond Surface - Tactile Presence'.

31 Mar 2023 , Tate Modern, London

Blavatnik Building, Level 2

6:00 - 9:30 pm


Live Performance


My Own BR Cipher
My Own BR Cipher
My Own BR Cipher
My Own BR Cipher




Between Trenches, OPENing Gallery, London.
Between Trenches, OPENing Gallery, London.
Between Trenches, OPENing Gallery, London.
Between Trenches, OPENing Gallery, London.
Between Trenches, OPENing Gallery, London.
Sic Bo
Sic Bo
A Letter Home

Between Trenches, OPENing Gallery, London.

Curated by Amandine Vabre-Chau.

26 Jan - 3 Feb, 2023


Moving Image, Paper


Size Variable