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Sculpture (MA)

Tsz Kiu Tang

b. 1998, Hong Kong


2022-2023/ Royal College of Art - MA Sculpture 

2017-2022/ Central Academy of Fine Arts - BA Sculpture 



“Starting Point” Woodcarving exhibition                                                                      

“Spirt and Stone” Stone carving exhibition    


Hong Kong Student Performance Reporting Exhibition, Beijing

10Th Anniversary Joint Exhibition, Hong Kong

“SPRING” Beijing International Students Exhibition, Beijing                                                   

“DIGITAL FOREST” exhibition, Beijing                                                                                  

“CERAMIC WONDERLAND” exhibition, Beijing                                                                  

“Possibility about Cu” exhibition, Beijing                                                                                  


POSCO Beijing International Students Exhibition, Beijing

OUT OF THE BOX Exhibition, Beijing


Everything Is Temporary, London

Tsz Kiu’s works include sculptures, videos, images and installations focus on people’s behavior, relationship and viewpoints as well as social environment. Tsz Kiu constructs materials in new forms to reinvent our everyday experiences, trying to visualize abstract concepts in a playful and experimental way. 

Artist’s habit of squinting makes her pay extra attention on perspective. Every human being is unique and one’s differences leads to different perspectives. This explains the importance of communication and interaction between people. Everything can be viewed from infinite angles. What the viewers realize in the work and think is what the artist wants to convey. Arouse social thinking and establish a close relationship between the audience and her work, allowing people to truly participate in art, is her highest goal. 


Ping pong is more than just a sport. There is a theory, that ping pong is a game that is a physical translation of our emotions – it is an activity of constant exchange, continuously responding to the opponent’s behaviour. When two people play ping pong, the audience can see the feelings of the competitors through their features, which can be love, hatred, envy, etc. It is a reliable tool for analysing the relationship to others of each human being. At the same time, ping pong is a medium for connecting social relations and it promotes communication and collaboration between people in different worlds. As a former table tennis player, this familiar medium has become the origin of my research on interpersonal relationships, embodying and externalizing one's passions and experiences. I try to visualize my understanding of the subtle relationship between people in today's world, make the impalpable tangible, and condense it into the size of a ping-pong table.

In ancient China, the circle was an important cultural symbol. It signifies unity, harmony, the balance of yin and yang, and the duality of nature, which is an essential part of Chinese philosophies. What if a ping pong table is a semi-circle? The two ends of the table are no longer on the opposite side, no longer visualising face-to-face or in a competing situation. This brings two opponents closer as they stand next to each other, but at the same time, the table is no longer a platform that brings in effective communication or collaboration. I want to visualise the contradiction of miscommunication in an intimate relationship. This work aims to comment on social psychology and human behaviour. I abstractly focus on social and psychological constructs such as the concept of imagination, and the strains of relationships. I am trying to discover the true reality through the abolition and rejection of convention. 

A ping pong table is built in semi circle and painted in white.
 “IWIW” stands for “I wish it works”.
A ping pong table is built in semi circle and painted in white.
Close up of the work
Close up of the work.


Plywood, Mild Steel, White Paint, Table Tennis Net


240cm x 135cmx 91cm