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Photography (MA)

Ruiqi (kiki) Liu

  • mainland China (b.1998)
  • non-binary kid
  • astrologist & psychic

  • solo exhibition, Chongqing, 2019
  • BANSHAN Gallery exhibition, Japan, 2021
  • offprint-Tate Morden, London, 2023

Degree Details

School of Arts & HumanitiesPhotography (MA)RCA2023 at Battersea and Kensington

RCA Battersea, Dyson Building, First floor

angry me

Kiki is an active participant in the field of psychology and has been influenced by Carl Jung, experimenting with images, installations and performance for artistic healing.

Kiki's work often employs the technique of color to depict violence and return to a childlike perspective, utilising media such as poetry, dolls, and mythology to tap into the unconscious.

Kiki aims to reveal the lasting effects of psychological trauma and explore the boundaries between a healthy and unhealthy psyche.

In the darkroom with a cannonball into a box with film in it, then developed and scanned
In the darkroom with a cannonball into a box with film in it, then developed and scanned
In the darkroom with a cannonball into a box with film in it, then developed and scanned
In the darkroom with a cannonball into a box with film in it, then developed and scanned
In the darkroom with a cannonball into a box with film in it, then developed and scanned
My upbringing was always based around 'sudden parting situations', unpredictable tragic events that made me lose control of my life. They were always very violent, brutal and intense. At Chinese funerals, firecrackers are set off in the graveyard, and the loss of life and the occurrence of bad things is as instantly devastating as the explosion of a firecracker. I lit the firecrackers and threw them into the darkroom and let them explode on the film that had already been shot, then developed and scanned.


film, canvas, firecracker


variable sizes
By using various colors of paint and a knife, I repeatedly "painted-scratched-painted-scratched" on my childhood photos
Accomplished by me through the transformation of an old photo album. By using various colors of paint and a knife, I repeatedly "painted-scratched-painted-scratched" on my childhood photos until the image of the characters disappeared.


photo album, paint


I create a virtual world with reference to reality on camera, shooting images that break the logic of the original world
I create a virtual world with reference to reality on camera, shooting images that break the logic of the original world
I create a virtual world with reference to reality on camera, shooting images that break the logic of the original world
I create a virtual world with reference to reality on camera, shooting images that break the logic of the original world. I believe that the question of how to grasp the relationship between the real and the virtual, between morality and freedom, is an important one. The project was inspired by the game 'The SIMs', where it is interesting to note that players often go against morality to manipulate their characters' lives, and where aimless abuse and torture become the norm.


digital images

