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Visual Communication (MA)

Ning Dong

Ning Dong is a multidisciplinary artist based in London and China. 

Her practice encompasses performance, installation, painting, and moving image. She trained in Chinese painting and contemporary art as an undergraduate, and currently studies MA Visual Communication at the Royal College of Art.

Her work has been exhibited internationally, including in London; Beijing; Guangzhou; and Chongqing.


My practice is a quest to uncover the profound connections between time, consciousness, emotions, and the boundaries of existence. I believe that in a certain sense, time and space do not truly exist. Only emotions, as relative and authentic experiences, can bridge the gap between our human existence and the intangible realm of transcendence.

Through performance, installation, and explorations of concepts relating to time and inner feeling. I invite viewers to contemplate the intricacies of our human experience and the potential for transcendence within our multifaceted reality.

Ethereal Pathway

Ethereal Pathway is moving image documentation of a schedule of performances based on my authored event scores, which explore the multifaceted nature of tears.

Video - 3'38"
Video - 1'44"
Video - 3'41"
Video - 3'06"

In this work, I set out to explore how tears can blur perceptions of time and space and possibilities to connect us to transcendence. It attempts to reveal tears as more than just expressions of sorrow and sadness. Instead, they are shown to be a profound source of healing and strength. Through performance and documentation in a humorous way, I explore the affective journey of tears to create an emotional connection and resonance with viewers, their connection to the perception of time, and the exploration of alternative dimensions of existence.

Schedule for 12 hours
Schedule for 12 hours
Ethereal Pathway
Ethereal Pathway

Find your own tears event score and enact it.

Tears blur my eyes until the end of a day
Tears blur my eyes until the end of a day

Tears blur my eyes until the end of a day

Turning me into a walking masterpiece of smudged mascara and emotional hydration.


Mixed media

