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Visual Communication (MA)

Max Olivazzo

As a devoted explorer of the intersection between design and technology, I'm deeply fascinated by futurism, leveraging it as a lens to reimagine the potential of visual expression. My expertise lies in harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and programming to create immersive digital experiences that inspire and provoke thought. With proficiency in the Adobe Suite, I mould the tools at my disposal to generate innovative solutions that push the boundaries of contemporary design. Every project I undertake serves as a testament to my unceasing desire to challenge the status quo, while offering a glimpse into a future shaped by the synergy of design and technology. As a creator, my goal is to redefine the digital landscape, demonstrating the potential of creative innovation in shaping our interactions with the world.

However, in full transparency, this articulate narrative was crafted not by me, but by the AI language model, ChatGPT, showcasing the very fusion of design, technology, and creativity I am passionately pursuing.

Screenshot of the app being used. The AI morphs the Houses of Parliament into “a city of the future” as specified in the prompt

Is the human viewing the world through the machine, or is the machine viewing the world through the human?

By reframing the way we use generative AIs, my work aims to comment on our faith in, and understanding of technological systems. By balancing out the power dynamics between human and machine “creativity”, my app implements AI’s power of instant visualisation as a tool. At the same time, the app empowers the user to reposition generative imagery within a (post)human creative practice. This is achieved by augmenting generative outputs into human worlds. 

The project was developed by applying my interest in computing, driven by theoretical frameworks such as data ethics, futuring and transhumanism. This is particularly informed by: Parisi’s definition of Technopolitics; Bridle’s statements about algorithmic literacy; and Braidotti’s ideas about posthuman knowledge. (AR)tificial takes a step towards reprogramming human thinking through and with machines. As AI improves, we must not let this technology drive our experiences, but design experiences that drive our technology.

The video and images below show how different people used the app to reimagine the world around them. Outputs are defined not only by datasets and a single text prompt, but also by the user’s embodied relationship with their surroundings.

Try it yourself by downloading ARtificial on the App Store!

Image of app in use
Image of app in use
Image of app in use
Image of app in use
Image of app in use
Image of app in use
Image of app in use
Image of app in use
Image of app in use
Image of app in use