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Sculpture (MA)

Jade Acaster

Jade Acaster was born in Melbourne Australia in 1974 with British-Serbian heritage. He Studied BA (Hons) Fine Art (Victoria College of Art) at the University of Melbourne, Australia (2000) and was awarded a Victoria College scholarship to study at Pratt University, New York, USA (1998). 

Degree Details

School of Arts & HumanitiesSculpture (MA)RCA2023 at Battersea and Kensington

RCA Battersea, Studio Building, First floor


My practice is based on stories that come from our understanding of given objects, addressing the internal fabrication of experienced material. Found objects, memories and thoughts dominate my work, giving new meaning to long-forgotten histories and human lived experiences. Knowledge and learning through materials are pronounced in the finished structures and audio-visual work. With deconstruction at the heart of each piece, my work has a sense of a forgotten time that has been unearthed and reintroduced into the space as a reconsidered projection of the past. 

Putting Meat on the Bones

Putting Meat on the Bones is a work that originated by gathering bones from the Thames in a daily ritual of tide walks. The bones are cast in silicon tubes, like entrails, that hang in grid metal housing. The work tries to instil beauty through its symmetry and lighting but on closer inspection, the macabre feeling of history and of the mass slaughter of animals for human consumption are apparent. Thinking about the past lives lived in the city and how they resemble the chaotic and busy lives of people today. The reworking of these objects asks us to think about us how we have made a mark on the past and how it references the present giving meaning to the future. 

bones 2
Bones 3
Bones 4




1m x 2m x 3m
Alice 1
I love Alice is a story documented through Tuesday morning breakfast packages or bags, constructed and delivered within the inner city of London, with a 30min walk at 5am. Each bag is a recording of a moment and action against the backdrop of a relationship. It tells of a story between two people and works to evoke the story of a romance. The written statement on each bag denotes a moment in time and it is for the viewer to form the surrounding scenario of when, where, how and why?
still 1
My First Rakija Still is a collection of found materials, charity shop finds and objects that have been discarded in peoples’ rubbish. It consists of copper and brass and forms a working distillery machine. The name Rakija conjures up the Balkan means to make a strong alcoholic bandy. It is formed within my over-designed distilling machine, a bit Heath Robinson. This is my first attempt at making a machine to make alcohol, my effort to readdress ideas surrounding my heritage.
Still 2
Still 3
Still 4