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Visual Communication (MA)

Iselin Skuseth Flo

I am a Norwegian-born, London-based visual communicator. I have always appreciated art, and utilising my creative abilities has always been a passion of mine. In my early teenage years, I lived in California with my family for two years. During this time, my interest for art and design grew exponentially. I highly valued the experiences, obtaining enriching knowledge and personal growth, in addition to being surrounded by a diverse international community. Subsequently, I decided to study abroad in the UK for my higher education.

I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree with Honours in Graphic Design from University of Brighton (2022), and currently studying a Master’s Degree in Visual Communication at the Royal College of Art (2022-2023).

Statement picture.

I am intrigued about how graphic design can assist people through everyday struggles. I keep asking myself: how can my creative work promote other people’s mental wellbeing? How can it help myself? 

My current work explores how creative methodologies can improve our mental health. On a gloomy day in February 2023, I glanced at my Polaroid camera. I felt the urge to capture my state of mind. As I did, I realised how much power non-verbal communication is capable of; sometimes the way we feel is challenging to express with words.

I initiated this project using an auto-ethnographic approach, supported by broader contextual research. In particular I discovered the use of photography in therapy, and how it is used as a tool to promote mental wellbeing, marking the beginning of months of research and self-discovery. I intend for my practice to engage in the vulnerable, honest, and deep – qualities I find important in creativity and expression.

The aim of my work is to highlight how important photography is and how it can have a positive impact on people’s lives. As I am not a trained professional within the field of phototherapy, I have utilised my own creative abilities to communicate the positive impact that photography can have on our mental health.

Cover pages
“A New Perspective: The Mental Benefits of Photography” is a 92-page publication, through which I explore how photography can be used as a therapeutic tool, the impacts and pros/cons of photography in our increasingly digital society, a questionnaire and participant responses to a workshop I hosted for RCA students, including responses from a professional photographer, Dan Rubin, about the importance of photography.
A few pages/spreads shown: - Cover pages - Intro page (1) - Table of contents (2-3) - Introduction (4-5) - Definitions (8-9) - Full page spread (26-27) - Spread 36-37 - Spread 42-43 - Spread 48-49 - Questionnaire responses (56-57) - Questionnaire responses (66-67) - Dan Rubin's response (70-71) - Workshop description (80-81) - Bibliography (90-91) - Outro page (92)
Spread 32-33. A quick look of the entire publication.
Launch Project
A quick look of the entire publication. Duration of video: 2 minutes, 40 seconds.
Front cover of publication.
Front cover
spread 26-27
Spread 26-27
Pages 6-7.
Spread 6-7. I have explored a more authentic visual language by digitally drawing over the photographs.
Spread 18-19
Spread 18-19


Publication: 176 x 250 mm. Video 1: 22sec. Video 2: 2min 40sec
Poster suggestion for installation.
Alongside the publication, its visual content has been extracted and transformed into an installation to showcase its varied dimensions, and offering the audience to have a closer look at the material.
Poster suggestion for installation.
Example of visual content/set up for the installation.
Example of visual content/set up for the installation. Dimensions: Polaroid photos: 85 x 72 mm. Photographs: 203 x 253 mm, 152 x 203 mm, 127 x 178 mm. Poster: 1200 x 600 mm.


Photographs and poster


Varied Dimensions