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Print (MA)

Haiyi Wang

Haiyi Wang / 王海懿, b.1998, China


BA Architecture (Design Studies), University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, 2018 - 2021

Graduate Diploma in Art & Design, Royal College of Art, London, UK, 2021 - 2022

MA Print, Royal College of Art, London UK, 2022 - 2023

Group Exhibitions

Twofold’, Southwark Park Galleries, London. March 2023 

Experiential Play’, Fine Liquids Gallery, London. February 2023 


Haiyi's artistic practice revolves around the perception of personal emotions in the universe. Her unstable upbringing and female dominated family environment have shaped her sensitive and delicate observation of the world. Her architectural design background enables rational thinking to intervene in emotional creation. Her works often showcase the power of contradiction and the beauty of fragmentation. By photographically documenting the objective existence of objects in decline, she continues to create devices of frozen time, which are a part of all things in the universe and an embodiment of herself.

Natural forces and human intervention are recurring themes in Haiyi's works. She abstracts images of confrontation and cooperation between natural forces and the human world into devices made of multiple materials, creating new decay by using discarded paper and collected old objects as a monument to time-space at that time.

Now she is trying to change and expand many ways of perceiving the world. She is attracted by the central position of printed and replicated materials in contemporary culture. She explores how to use traditional and modern image technology and differing types of materials as tools to convey information and emotions. In an era of numb and emotionless Big Data, she is passionate about preserving precious feelings by creating artworks that incorporate specific materials with symbolic meaning. 

Recycled paper, sand, plaster, wood branch, wire, 50cm * 70cm, June 2023
Mother landRecycled paper, sand, plaster, wood branch, wire, 50cm * 70cm, June 2023
Recycled paper, sand, plaster, wood branch, wire, 50cm * 70cm, June 2023
Striae GravidarumRecycled paper, sand, plaster, wood branch, wire, 50cm * 70cm, June 2023
Recycled paper, sand, plaster, wood branch, wire, 20cm * 30cm, June 2023
SpineRecycled paper, sand, plaster, wood branch, wire, 20cm * 30cm, June 2023
Recycled paper, sand, plaster, wire 60cm * 200cm June 2023
Recycled paper, sand, plaster, wire, 60cm * 200cm, June 2023
Recycled paper, sand, plaster, wire 60cm * 200cm June 2023
Recycled paper, sand, plaster, wire 60cm * 200cm June 2023
Point At
Point AtDriftwood, wire, 10cm, May 2023
BreastDriftwood, wire, 30cm, May 2023
PelvicRecycled paper, sand, plaster, badminton racket, twine, 20cm*120cm, June 2023
Badminton racket detail
Recycled paper, sand, plaster, wood branch, wire, steel 30cm * 40cm June 2023
CMYK 4 color photo lithography, 500mm*707mm, March 2023
〰, exhibition view
〰, exhibition view
CMYK 4 color Photo lithography, 420mm*297mm, Feb 2023