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Digital Direction (MA)

Annop Khunwong

Annop Khunwong, a creative director. Fascinating with “Innovation” and “Human Beings”, his field of interest lies in digital communications with an insightful touch of creativity with a mix of innovations. With an advertising background, he has been recognized and won multiple trophies from advertising awards shows worldwide including Cannes Lions, LIA, and D&AD to name a few.

Recently, Annop is pursuing the Digital Direction program, where he is exploring the art of digital storytelling. He is particularly interested in the diversity of human culture and the formation and development of AI.

Annop Khunwong

My name is Annop Khunwong, a middle child raised in a farmer family from the north of Thailand.

The Multi-Dancing Boxes

The Multi-Dancing Boxes discover the relationship between technology and humans with a particular focus on artificial intelligence (AI) and how they are influenced by the diversity of human cultures, through a co-creation video involving a number of different machine learning models and people.

Since algorithm bias extends beyond cultural misrepresentation and encompasses personal characteristics, socio-economic background, and AI’s limitations. The project aims to examine the influence of cultural, personal, and socioeconomic factors on AI training and limitations.

Recognizing that even small differences can magnify over time through the process of a feedback loop - when the system's output becomes its own future input. The project experimented with the initial interaction between humans and machines, using object recognition to visualize the divergence at the start before the feedback loop.  Through this exploration, the project encourages conversation around the matter of collaborative working in AI development.

Object Detection Storytellin

Messages in Motion

We’re exploring communication and understanding of others intentions in the physical and digital space through an interactive installation involving different verbal and non-verbal cues, as well as the technology that we often use to assist us. The loss of translation of intention in the digital way of life can be considered an important issue that needs to be addressed, as it can have significant implications in personal and professional relationships. This project looks into the use of digital technologies like AI and live transcription to assess what they mean for the future of human communication. 

Emotion Recognition
Interactive Experience
Speech Detection
Texting Screen
Body Gesture Tracking


Interactive Installation


The CYFACE is a fictional story to help us relay the concept of our project - mediation of information and its influence on identity. 

This is a story is about a part of society (Klailas) that uses the media and their control over the spread of information to create a demand for a digital face. The other part of society (Lok) affected by the bio-war, had to mutate to survive in their present world. These people (Lok) are the ones demanding the digital face. When aspects of their lives are infiltrated by this mediated information, telling them to upgrade their way of life, to procure the digital face and the seemingly idealistic life that comes with it, they begin to chase the way of life (life in the Klailas) advertised to them. However, this ideal they chase is not what it seems... 

Lok People
VR Experience